by Hayley Nations


Recently three young adults from the Portales area went on a trip to Turkey, Cypress, and Israel to help build shelters after a devastating earthquake. While there, they shared the gospel message and made lasting connections with people from different countries. Xander, Jaden, and Kai share their experiences.


   What inspired these young adults to travel halfway around the world and build temporary homes? They agree that the inspiration was from God.


Xander states that the Bible, specifically the verses Matthew 28:19-20, which tell Christians to go into the world inspired him to go. “So I went,” he says.


“My fiancé went the year before,” says Jaden. “It took a lot of prayer and talking…trying to get some advice and wisdom.” He says that the door was open, so he decided to go through it.


For Kai, since he was younger he has had a heart for people in need. He has continued to reach out to people, and said he has always wanted to go on a mission trip to help people.


   They experienced many life changing circumstances while out of the country, meeting some wonderful people, getting some culture shock, and visiting historic sites.


“Going into Turkey and seeing the devastation from the earthquakes, and knowing how many people passed away without hearing the gospel really hurts,” says Xander.


They came together with other Christians in these countries, praying and interceding on behalf of the people and nations. “You’re caring for these people enough that you’re willing to give all your time to them, and really want to make a relationship with them…not just by telling them something and leaving them,” says Jaden.  They would walk through the town, talking and making connections with people.


As for culture shock, they experienced the difference in technology and lack of many conveniences that are often taken for granted in the United States. They experienced summer heat similar to Portales, but with no air conditioning.


“We had a little fan that we used,” laughed Jaden. They experienced scheduled power outages as well, and clean water was limited and cost money at restaurants.


The difference of language was a barrier with their interactions, though they tried a few translation services and apps. However, they were still able to communicate with the people around them to some degree, and still made strong connections with some of the people they met. “We would just get together, and we would have this big group of friends that would come over to a house, and we would celebrate the Sabbath. We would have dinner, we’d swim…” says Kai.


Israel was a favorite for visiting historical sites. “Israel was awesome in general. You got to walk through and open up your Bible and read about this road you’re walking on, or literally see the sites it’s talking about here…” explains Xander. The Eastern Wall, Via de la Rosa, the Mount of Beatitudes near Galilee, matching places with scripture, was powerfully emotional for them. “The same place that those words were spoken to the disciples two thousand years ago. I got to stand in that place, and just, it was amazing,” comments Xander.


   What were their favorite parts?


For them, there were many. “I loved building houses in Turkey,” says Kai. “The funniest was…it was the first day we were building houses, and I went to pick up a piece of wood, and my pants tore!” The three laughed at the memory.


Jaden enjoyed the House of Prayer, saying it was his favorite in Cyprus. Xander’s favorite activity in Turkey and Cyprus was learning from people and talking with people, building friendships, and spending time with people.


Would they do it again?


They unanimously said yes.




Note: Some details are omitted for the safety of the young adults and their connections out of the country.