
Welcome to our May Newsletter!


Lonnie Ray, Practice Administrator

May is a month of celebrations – Graduations, Mother’s Day, Armed Services Day, Memorial Day… a lot has been going on this month. And we’re starting to get some much-needed rain.

May is also American Stroke Awareness Month. Most strokes are preventable. And a large percentage of the ones that happen are treatable with the right care, right away. It’s a matter of knowing what to do, taking action and spreading the word. See the article below about how we can join together to end strokes.

Hormone balancing is critical to health as we age.We’ve been getting a lot of questions about BioTe hormone therapy. Find out more about this very effective therapy below.

And thank you to our patients who have been saying some nice things about us!

Enjoy your May flowers!

Lonnie Ray
Practice Administrator


In This Newsletter:

Stroke Awareness and Prevention
Feeling better with BioTe Hormone Therapy
Thanks for the kind words!

May is American Stroke Awareness Month

stroke - FAST banner

Do you know what the signs of a stroke are?

Just think FAST –
Face dropping
Arm weakness
Speech difficulty
Time to call 911!!

Eighty percent of strokes are preventable

That means the vast majority of stroke deaths and disabilities never have to happen. Learn how to keep your blood pressure under control to reduce your stroke risk.

The high blood pressure infographic below explains how high blood pressure can damage blood vessels in the brain, increasing the chances of strokes from clots or ruptures. Sharing the information in the graphic can give your loved ones and community a clear understanding why controlling blood pressure is so important.

If you have high blood pressure, or are getting close to having it, contact us at Women’s Medical Center. We can help you with ways to keep your blood pressure under control.

Call today for an appointment and for more information – (575) 762-8055

Stroke - high blood pressure

Learn about BioTe Hormone Therapy


Balanced hormones are necessary for good health and disease prevention for women and men as we age. BioTE® optimizes hormone levels with tiny pellets just under the skin that release all-natural bio-identical estrogen and/or testosterone and are absorbed consistently into the body as needed.

Hormone imbalance can result in depression, lack of energy, weight gain, and loss of libido in both women and men. BioTE is a natural solution that can help. Give us a call to schedule a consultation!

Call 762-8055 to find out if BioTe is right for you!

Bio-Te Video

Click to see this video about results patients see from the BioTe pellet therapy!


What Our Patients Tell Us…

Thank you ribbon

Very pleased. The staff was friendly and helpful. They were fast and knowledgeable!! This was by far my best physician experience. Samantha D.

The best place to go in Clovis!! The women here are so caring! Would never go anywhere else. The best medical professionals to help you are working here! ~Lexi C.


If you have trouble seeing the graphics or reading the newsletter, click here to see the newsletter online:
Images courtesy Liz Eisenbraun

©2018 Women’s Medical Center | 2000 West 21st St., Suite A-1, Clovis, NM 88101