By. D. Turner

A few years ago I read a short story by Patsy Clarmont, where she talks about “a whuppin from the Lord”.  It was about the regret of failing to take advantage of opportunities that the Lord puts in our pathway.  The pain we feel from grieving the Holy Spirit through our disobedience.


Unlike the whuppins I received from my parents, which caused a painful sensation to my behind; a whuppin from the Lord causes a sorrowful pain to the heart and soul.  The physical pain from a whuppin from my parents was temporary and subsided after a short while.  The pain from a whuppin from the Lord stay with you, until you seek the Lord’s forgiveness.


Why do I find myself, more often than I would like, at the Lord’s woodshed for another whuppin?  Why, when the Lord provides me with opportunities to serve Him and do His will, do I fail to do so?   I let fear (brought on by Satan) take hold and keep me from being obedient; instead of trusting fully in the Lord to use me to His glory and provide me with the necessary skills, in any opportunity He sets before me.


If only I would bring to mind His word, when doubts and fear seek to lead me once again into disobedience and another trip to the woodshed.


How many times does it tell me in His word to “fear not”?  He tells me in His word to trust him.  He tells me Satan is the father of lies; why do I fall into the trap of believing those lies?


Lord, help me each day I pray, through the reading of thy word, to equip myself to your service and to be obedient to your will.  Help me to avoid another trip to your woodshed and another whuppin.


“The Lord disciplines those he loves,…” Proverbs 3:12 NIV