“Beware of anxiety. Next to sin, there is nothing that so troubles the mind, strains the heart, distresses the soul, and confuses judgment.” -William Ullathorne

WHEN IS THIS EVER GOING TO END??? Maybe you’ve heard those words come out of your mouth (or at least in your head) when you are trying to work on taxes. Or when you are potty-training that toddler. Or when you see political ads. Or you get your 401k statement and watch those numbers sinking down. Or you are running low on toilet paper. Or you watch our world trying to figure out the next steps in recovery from this pandemic. What are we going to do?

Studies tell us that “not knowing” is one of the biggest causes of anxiety. Some years ago, Dutch researchers conducted an experiment in which they told one group of people that they would receive 20 strong shocks. They told a second group they’d receive only 3 strong shocks along with 17 mild ones, but the shocks would be administered randomly. Those researchers discovered that the second group sweated more and experienced faster heart rates than the first. It was the uncertainty that caused their discomfort, not the intensity of the shocks.

Can I give you THREE QUICK things you can do to deal with these anxious times?

1. Keep trying to work, eat, exercise & laugh. Yes, that sounds like advice from a 3rd Grader…but it’s TRUE! To DEAL with anxiety, take control of the things you CAN control! Try to eat at normal times. Try to take a walk in the neighborhood, if you can. Exercise a little-dig out those old P-90X DVD’s or the old Tae-Bo workouts…and try them in your home! Yes, you are trying to do “crisis schooling at home” and you have 13 ZOOM meetings every day…but doing some physical things will help you mentally!

2. Check on your neighbors. Most of us have people around the corner (or down the dirt road) that could use a phone call. Pick up the phone and call them! Many of you HAVE been doing this-you are checking on your Connect group members, you’re making and delivering masks, and you are looking out for some of our Senior Citizens nearby…DON’T STOP DOING THAT! We must BE THE BODY at this difficult time! We need to SHOW our neighborhoods how Jesus acts…with love and with thought! When you are focusing on helping others…you’ll be less focused on your own anxieties. THANK YOU to all of you who ARE doing this…keep it up!

3. Stay connected with your FAITH! Yes, it’s weird not having you in the building…but we DO have the Online service! There is “Prayer Furnace” on Facebook (Tues/Thurs at noon) and we love it when you chime in! To our TEENAGERS-we have AMP DEVOS going out each week from regular people telling you that you are VALUABLE and we WANT to connect with you! (We even have the Sunday Snapshot Challenge each week…get in on that fun!) There are TONS of podcasts and devotionals and online groups to encourage your faith…BE PROACTIVE in getting involved in those. Don’t WAIT for the right one to find you…you go get it! And of course…READ HIS WORD! Just a few minutes each day in His Word or with the YouBible App or BibleGateway devos…it will really boost your attitude! Keep tithing…keep praying…keep leaning on the Everlasting Arms of Jesus!

Listen…we DON’T know what’s going to happen…but we serve a God that is NOT surprised! He IS there for us! He has seen this from before the beginning…and He has PROMISED us that we will not walk alone! Even when there is uncertainty in our world, stand firm, my friends…you can be CERTAIN of our God!!
Peace Be On Your Home & Family, Don
