The City Portales will soon be holding a special mail in election, designed to help economic growth in our community and it doesn’t cost the taxpayers anything. A new Ordinance proposes to allow the use of existing local economic development taxes to assist new retail business that do not compete with existing businesses! Passage of this Ordinance must be by a majority vote of the voters and will help Portales attract and help start-up retail and arts or cultural business in areas that we don’t currently have.

It’s a huge opportunity for us, but you must vote YES, on the special election ballot that will be mailed to you in the next few weeks and return it to City Hall by mail or in person. Please vote YES to help encourage economic growth in our community. Once again there no new tax associated with this!

A. A special election will be held in the City of Portales, New Mexico, on Thursday, April 4th, 2019. It shall be conducted by mail ballot, and shall be submitted to the City of Portales qualified, registered electors.
B. At the Special Municipal Election, voters shall be asked whether the following measure should be adopted:
Should Ordinance No. 737 amending the code without raising taxes and using existing funds only to designate retail business, arts and cultural districts, and cultural facilities as being eligible to utilize revenues generated by the Municipal Local Options Gross Receipt Taxes Act; or for projects as defined in the Statewide Development Finance Act be adopted.