The following list is an up-date furnished by the Public Works Dept. to keep us informed of on-going projects.

Public Works Street Department:

The Street Department has been working diligently to complete a NM Local Government Road Fund (LGRF) chip seal project that must be completed by December 31, 2019 to preserve our current funding. The LGRF agreement includes the following projects:

W. Juniper street work is completed
S. Avenue U is completed

To be completed:
University Drive going west from Avenue S to the end of University Drive is in progress
S. Avenue D from 1st to 2nd;
7th Street from Dallas to Avenue C;
University Drive from Avenue C to Avenue A;
18th Street from Avenue O to New Mexico Drive

The Street Department has assistance from other Public Works Departments to temporarily fill potholes until they can be properly filled with asphalt. This work will be ongoing to better serve the public.

Public Works Water Department:

The Water Department repaired breaks in the water line in the N. Avenue K, U.S. 70 and railroad crossing site. The site is being prepared for street repairs.

Fire hydrants, water line breaks and valve replacements are ongoing.

A big project that the City has under construction is the Johnson Hill Water Tank Improvements.