United Way of Eastern NM depends on the generosity of local individuals and businesses to provide grants to local non-profits, assist residents in connecting with community resources, and tackling community challenges. Fundraising efforts in the last two years have not returned to pre-pandemic levels leaving United Way in a precarious position.

So far United Way ENM has pledges and gifts totaling $280,000, which is $240,000 from what is needed to maintain services and grants throughout 2023. Board members and staff are reaching out to invite community members that believe in the work of United Way to contribute this year.

Those wishing to make a difference in the lives of our neighbors in need are urged to donate as soon as they can. For information call UWENM 575-769-2103.


For more information or to learn more about how to get involved, call 211 or email staff@unitedwayenm.org.