Oboist Tracy Carr, Professor of Music at Eastern New Mexico University, has recently been named a Marigaux Performing Artist. Marigaux is deemed one of the top four professional oboe manufacturers in the world, with hundreds of professional oboists from over 60 countries playing their instruments. With fewer than 100 performing artists on its roster, Marigaux selected Carr as one of only about twelve American-born oboists to be a Marigaux Artist. “I am extremely honored and grateful to be part of this group and appreciate Marigaux’s ongoing support for my career,” says Carr. She prefers Marigaux oboes because of their range of tone color, expression, flexibility, technical ease, singing quality, and stability. “Every musician looks to find his or her best ‘voice’ and I am glad to have found mine with Marigaux oboes,” says Carr.

Carr is active as a soloist, chamber musician, orchestral musician, clinician, and educator. As a founding member of Duo and Trio Encantada, Carr has performed in Austria, Costa Rica, England, Ireland, Italy, Spain, and China, and has performed recitals and presented masterclasses at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Chengdu, China, the Eastman School of Music, Ohio University, West Texas A & M University, Texas Tech University, University of Texas at Austin, Baylor University, University of New Mexico, University of Southern California, Southern Utah University, University of Las Vegas-Nevada, University of Denver Lamont School of Music, Chicago State University, Miami University, Lawrence University, Providence College, and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, among many others. Carr has performed and lectured at the College Music Society (CMS) National & International Conferences, the Hawaii International Arts & Humanities Conferences, the International Double Reed Society (IDRS) International Conferences, the National Association of College Wind and Percussion Instructors (NACWPI) National Conference, and the Society of Composers, Inc. (SCI) National Conferences.


Tracy currently performs with the Roswell and Southwest Symphonies and has performed with the RI Philharmonic, the RI Civic Chorale and Orchestra, the New England Philharmonic, the Classical Music Festival of Eisenstadt, Austria, and the Grumo International Music Festival of Tesaro, Italy, where she was also on the faculty. She is also a PARMA Recordings artist. Carr has published 3 book chapters and numerous articles on oboe pedagogy and performance, music history, Baroque performance practice, humanities, and mentoring of junior university faculty. Carr plays Marigaux oboes 901A and 920A.