Tortillas my way, the best every time is in the kneading.

I always say “my way” because everyone does recipes a little different – God Bless from Carol Ann

  1. Wash you hands thoroughly.
  2. Measure 3 cups self rising flour
  3. Measure 1/4 cup butter, shortening or lard.  I use butter.
  4. 1 1/4th cups hot water or milk.  I use water.

Mix all three ingredients.  Knead dough for 8 to 10 minutes.  Dough will be sticky, do not add more flour, keep kneading until it is smooth and does not stick to your hands anymore.  Place dough in a bowl and cover, leave it for 20 minutes.

Make balls.  This recipe will make 10 to 12 tortillas according to size you want your tortillas.


Roll out, cook on a griddle that is hot like for pancakes.  You can use a spatula to flip tortillas.  Leave about 15 seconds on hot griddle, tortillas will start to bubble, flip and wait till the tortilla balloons.  Your tortilla is done!

They may not be perfect the first time, but remember practice makes perfect!