The Roosevelt County Sheriffs Department, The Portales Police Department and The Portales Fire and Ambulance are in an all out Blood Battle!    The goal is to see which group can solicit the most blood donated on July 30th at the Legacy Church in Portales. 

There will be bragging rights and prizes for the winners however the real winners in this are the local community members that will benefit from the donations.  How often to you get a real life chance to save a life?  There is a link below to sign up to donate – please take a few minutes out of  your day and sign up to donate blood.  Be a real life hero!

Donating Blood Makes an Impact

Your Role in the World Matters!

When you give blood with Vitalant, you have the potential to help hospital patients within your community and, when the need arises, others across the country.

When extreme weather and unforeseen tragedies occur, our experienced nationwide team members jump into action to quickly deliver blood where it’s needed most. The benefits of our larger footprint are vast, including leveraging our coast-to-coast network of donation centers so every donation has the potential to impact more lives.

Many people believe that most blood is needed after major disasters. However, daily personal emergencies and ongoing medical needs of thousands of patients require a constant and ready blood supply. It’s the blood already on hospital shelves that saves lives.

Every day in the U.S.

Patients in hospitals, surgical centers and emergency treatment facilities need approximately


units of red blood cells


units of platelets


units of plasma

What Happens to Your Blood After You Donate?


At only 20 days old, little Oliver, a preemie, endured heart surgery. During the next four-plus months in the hospital, he received a total of 11 blood transfusions.

“I encourage everyone to give blood. Just look at Ollie–11 individuals helped him survive, and we are forever grateful.”

– Katie, mother of blood recipient


After suffering not one but two life-threatening pregnancy complications nine years apart, Kristin needed a total of 42 blood transfusions that changed her life and her family’s lives.

“I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for the blood donors who generously gave their time to make a donation. You are making a real difference.”

– Kristin, blood recipient


Lauryn depends on life-transforming blood transfusions every three weeks to treat a rare genetic disorder that prevents her body from producing healthy red blood cells.

“I wish I could hug every single blood donor who selflessly gives my daughter the opportunity to shine.”

– Christine, mother of blood recipient

You’re part of something bigger than yourself. The ultimate pay-it-forward moment—in order to move life forward—is the simple act of giving blood. You have a source of life within you that has the power to transform another life.

Make Appointment Now
