Prayer Requests

Kim Merrick is home in hospice. Please no visitors.
David Gossett is home. If you can help David in anyway with medical bills, there is a collection plate on the table in the foyer or a gofund me account has been set up.

Bell Ringing
Third & Kilgore will be ringing the Ministerial Alliance bell
at Walmart this Friday, December 22nd from 9:00 am to
6:00 pm. If you signed up to help, please remember to be
there at your designated time.

Christmas Eve Bible Classes
This Sunday, December 24th, we will have combined Bible classes
in the auditorium. We will format it like we’ve been doing, with a
kid’s lesson first, so we will need to move to the front of the auditorium.

Preacher Applicant
Please plan to be here! Logan Summers and his wife
Lacie from Rosenberg, TX will be here on Sunday, December 31st. Logan will teach a combined adult Bible
Class in the auditorium Sunday at 9:00 am then preach
at 10:00. They are planning to stay and be with us at the 5th Sunday singing, the meal following and the New Year celebration afterwards. Come and spend some time to visit and get to know Logan and Lacie!

Area-wide 5th Sunday Singing
You are invited! 5th Sunday Singing hosted by the
Third & Kilgore Church of Christ. Sunday, December
31st at 6:00 PM. Join us in the Fellowship Room
after the song services for a Mexican stack supper.
The meal will be provided, everyone please bring desserts.

Everyone is Welcome!
Service Times
Bible Classes—9:00 AM
Sunday Worship—10:00 AM
Wednesday—7:00 PM
1701 East Third Street, Portales, NM
P. O. Box 450 Portales, NM 88130

Online Giving: church app or website

Pulpit Preview
Join us this Sunday, Trane Wyatt will
preach for us during the worship service.
He has chosen to speak on “If You Are Willing” Read Matthew 8:1-4 to prepare your
heart for this message. Invite a friend or
neighbor to come to worship with you!

Dustin Cabeldue
Colin Chandler
Adam Terry
Kenny Whitecotton

Buddy Blue
Joe Chandler
Randy Dunson
Delbert Rector

New Years Eve Fellowship
Join us Sunday, December 31st after the 5th Sunday Singing in the fellowship room for games for New
Years Eve.

Holiday Office Hours
The church office will be closed this Monday, December 25th for Christmas and Monday, January
1st for New Years. The week of December 26th through the 29th, office hours may vary, if you
have a need call or text Wynette

2024 Bible Reading Plan
Spend the year in Scripture together! For those that have the YouVersion Bible on your phone
and devices or if you would like to download it, go to this link
reading-plans/15998 to start on January 1st.
 Each day, you’ll read a few chapters—or occasionally skim through large genealogies or census sections—as
you make your way from Genesis to Revelation.
 Meditate on the Psalms. Each day’s reading features a psalm for you to meditate on through quiet reflection
and prayer. By the end of the year, you’ll have read through this entire book of biblical poetry more than
 Videos for learning. Before you dive into a new book of the Bible, YouVersion will share an overview video
that outlines the structure of the book and its central themes and more. Follow the hyperlinks found in the
readings for easy access.
If you don’t desire to read online, a paper copy of the yearly scripture readings is available printed on the table in the foyer for your convenience.