Everyone is Welcome!

Service Times
Bible Classes—9:00 AM
Sunday Worship—10:00 AM
Wednesday—7:00 PM

Prayer Requests

Shayla Clabaugh, niece of Ernie Marshall has been diagnosed with
recurrent cancer. Shayla and her husband Billy are former mem
bers here.
Jaden McKillip, Wynette’s grandson is scheduled for surgery in
Lubbock on November 6th to repair a fully torn ACL & partially
torn MCL.
Emily Nagel, friend of Daizia Chandler has been diagnosed with
Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Ladies’ Brunch
All ladies are invited! There will be a Ladies’ Brunch
this Saturday, October 28th at 10:00 am in the fellow
ship room. Bring a brunch food item.

Secret Sister Reveal
All Secret Sisters are invited to stay after the Ladies
Brunch this Saturday, October 28th for the revealing
of sisters. Be sure to bring your final gift to reveal
yourself to your sister.

5th Sunday Singing
You are invited! Southside Church of Christ will host the
area-wide 5th Sunday Singing this Sunday, October 29th
at 6:00 pm. A Mexican stack supper will follow the song
services in the Fellowship Center.

Women’s Bible Study
All ladies are invited to the Women’s Bible Study. We
are moving our class time this week to MONDAY
NIGHT, October 30th from 6:00-7:00pm in the fellowship room.
Next Tuesday, November 7th will be our last class. Please encour
age each other to take advantage of this opportunity to gain a bet
ter knowledge of God’s word.

Announcements continued on Page 2
Everyone is Welcome!

Service Times
Bible Classes—9:00 AM
Sunday Worship—10:00 AM
Wednesday—7:00 PM
1701 East Third Street, Portales, NM
P. O. Box 450 Portales, NM 88130

www.3kchurch.org churchofchrist@yucca.net
Online Giving: church app or website
Pulpit Preview

Join us this Sunday, Delbert Rector will
preach for us during the worship service.
He has chosen to speak on “The Peril of
Not Progressing” Read Hebrews 6:1 to
prepare your heart for this message. Invite
a friend or neighbor to come to worship
with you!
Dustin Cabeldue
Colin Chandler
Adam Terry
Kenny Whitecotton
Buddy Blue
Joe Chandler
Randy Dunson
Delbert Rector
October 29, 2023

90th Birthday Card Celebration
Please join us in celebrating Geneva
Judah’s 90th birthday! We know many
of you live too far to come, so if you
can send a card in the mail or a message via email, we
will have her read those after the party on Saturday,
November 4th. The address for cards is: Jacinda Sim
mons, 602 Sherwood Lane, Clyde, TX 79510. Email:

Daylight Savings Time Ends
Daylight Savings Time Ends on Sunday,
November 5th. Remember to turn your
clocks back one hour before your go to
bed on Saturday evening.

Prime-Timers & Singles
The Prime-Timers & Singles will have
a Pot Luck Luncheon on Sunday,
November 5th after the morning
service. Please bring a dish.