Portales City League Basketball season is over.  Congrats to all the teams and coaches on a excellent season.

The Warriors are the Senior Division Basketball Champions for the Portales City League.

Thank you to the City of Portales Recreational Advisory Board for opportunities for our kids.  

Recreational Advisory Board
Board Members

Chuck Abbott, President
Denise Burnett, V. President
Gary Carter, ENMU
Oscar Robinson, City Council
Michael Rackler, Portales Schools
Randy Knudson
Cliff Neece


The Portales Recreational Advisory Board is set by ordinance and consists of seven members with three being ex-officio members and four members at large. Ex-officio members are as follows: one (1) representative of Eastern New Mexico University; one (1) representative of the Portales Schools; and, one (1) representative of the City Council. Ex-officio members may vote and hold office. The mayor, with approval of the City Council, appoints the Recreational Advisory Board members. The board members serve for a term of four years or until their successors are appointed. The board elects a chairman that serves for one (1) year or until a successor is elected.

The Recreational Advisory Board generally holds a monthly meeting at 8:45 am at the Recreation Center unless otherwise scheduled. Special meetings may be held if a notice is given and is determined in accordance with the Open Meetings Act as it pertains to public meetings. The board has the power and authority, with City Council approval, to oversee the management and conduct of all City recreational activities and facilities, including school facilities when used, to do any and all things necessary and proper for the establishment and development of a well-rounded recreational program.