Tuesday, June 8, 2020
District Courtroom
Roosevelt County Courthouse
Portales, New Mexico 88130

The Roosevelt County Commission met in regular business meeting on Monday, June 8, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. in the Courtroom in the Roosevelt County Courthouse with those present being: Commissioner Paul Grider, Commissioner Tina Dixon, Commissioner Matthew Hunton, Commissioner Lewis Shane Lee, Commissioner Dennis Lopez, County Manager Amber Hamilton, County Attorney Randy Knudson, County Clerk Stephanie Hicks, Chief Deputy Clerk Nath Baca, Treasurer Layle Sanchez, RCDC Administrator Justin Porter, Road Superintendent Ricky Lovato, GIS Technician Johnny Montiel, Special Projects Coordinator Carol Acosta-Flores, Bonnie Norton, Jim Bargas and Rod Savage.

Call to Order – Commissioner Hunton 10:00 a.m.
Invocation – County Manager Hamilton
Pledge – Commissioner Hunton

Approval of Agenda:

Motion to approve agenda was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

Approval of Minutes:

Motion to approve the minutes of the May 19 budget workshop meeting was made by Commissioner Grider with a second from Commissioner Hunton. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

Motion to approve minutes of the May 26, 2020 regular meeting was made by Commissioner Grider with a second from Commissioner Hunton. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Abstain, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

Public Requests: NONE

Elected Officials/Department Heads Report:

Treasurer: Treasurer Sanchez reported April 2020 general fund beginning cash: $2,967,712.20, debits: $920,278.89, credits: $482,018.67 with GF ending cash balance of: $3,405,972.42. About 130 delinquent notices will be going out this week, regarding 2017 delinquent taxes. We need to collect those taxes this month or they will be turned over to the state for the tax sale.

Detention: Facility count is 61 (51 males and 10 females) with 9 being from out of county, 79 bookings and 62 releases for the month of May 2020, and $19,045.00 total billed. 100% of the RCDC staff was tested for COVID-19 and all tests came back negative. They have also tested 39 detainee volunteers, all came back negative as well. Deliveries will start coming this month for the kitchen upgrades. The facility is getting additional PPE for the detainees and staff, with assistance from the Emergency Manager. RCDC continues to practice the use of facial masks for all detainees on intake along with health screenings.

Motion to go into Indigent Board Meeting was made at 9:10 a.m. by Commissioner Lopez with a second from Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

Special Projects Coordinator Acosta-Flores reported there were 10 claims in the amount of $7,122.28. Her recommendation is to approve 9 of the claims in the amount of $5,759.28, and to disapprove 1 claim.

Motion to come out of Indigent Meeting was made at 9:11 a.m. by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Hunton. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

Motion to approve the 9 recommended claims was made by Commissioner Hunton with a second from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

Roads: Road Superintendent Lovato reported CAPS and COOP will be finished by end of June and chip seal is underway. The crews are doing routine maintenance and tending to cattle guards.

Manager: Manager Hamilton reported that Sagamore has completed the foundations for the new turbines. The CDBG grant submission for the ADA and drainage projects at the fairgrounds will be submitted this week. FY21 Capital Outlay is still in the works. Manager Hamilton has been working with Representative Zamora and staying in communication with La Casa De Buena Salud concerning the building’s roof. FY21 preliminary budget has been approved and the letter has been received. Standard notations were listed as well as things to watch for. The final budget is due July 31st. In Roosevelt County 45.7% have completed their census forms with October 31st being the final deadline. We have set an August goal to reach 59.4% as in 2010.

Commissioners: Commissioner Lee asked GIS Technician Montiel about funding for the census, specifically hiring people to make calls encouraging people to participate in the census. Lee gave several examples of where these people could be found. For example extension clubs or any club, fair board, faith based communities, and United Dairy Women. Montiel stated they have already used the original grant money and are now using a second allocation for the census.

New Business:

a. Request for Approval of a Type III-A Summary Review of a Replat of Block D of the K.G. Flatt: GIS Technician Montiel stated that the Replat met all requirements and will go before the City of Portales in their next council meeting. Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Hunton. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

b. Request for Approval of Removing Signatory Officials of Mickie Algire and Rita Hill and the Addition of Victoria Ramos and Beatriz Jazmin Juarez to the Roosevelt County Detention Center Detainee Bank Account at JP Stone Community Bank: Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Lopez with a second from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

c. Request for Approval of Disposal by Public Auction of one 2001 E350 Passenger Bus Utilized by La Casa De Buena Salud and one 1991 Ford E350 Ambulance from Milnesand Volunteer Fire Department: Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

d. Appointment of Road Viewers for South Roosevelt Road 30 ½ from South Roosevelt Road AK for Two Miles East: Commissioner Dixon stated this goes up to BJ Moore’s house. Road viewer are: Glenda Anthony, Cody Ferguson, Edwin Ford and Jenny Ann Clemmons as the alternate. Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Grider with a second from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

Recess Board of Commission: Recessed at 9:45 a.m.

Convene Board of Canvas:
Motion to convene the Board of Canvas was made at 9:45 a.m. by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Hunton. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

Canvass Board for the June 2, 2020 Primary Election:

Total Counts By Site: Informational TOTALS: Eligible Voters: 9211
(1334 – 3 rejections) Absentee: 1331 Hand Tallies: 9 Ballots Cast: 3086
Early CH: 555 Provisionals: 8 % Voted: 33.51%
Alternate Site: 126 Tabulator Votes: 3069
Elida: 90
Floyd: 112
Jake Lopez Bldg: 266 Rejected: 3
Memorial Bldg: 524 Reject Reasons: 1 envelope did not have a ballot inside, 2 envelopes were not signed. We made contact with all, either by phone or by letter.

Motion to approve the 2020 Primary Election Canvas was made by Commissioner Grider with a second
from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

Motion to adjourn the Board of Canvas was made at 10:05 a.m. by Commissioner Lopez with a second
from Commissioner Hunton. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

Reconvene: Board of Commission at 10:05 a.m.


a. Consideration of Resolution 2020-16 Participation in Local Government Road Fund Program Administered by New Mexico Department of Transportation: Road Superintendent Lovato stated CAP allocation is $228,540 with a county match of 25%, which equals $76,180. Total for CAP is $304,720. Motion to approve resolution 2020-16 was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
b. Consideration of Resolution 2020-17 Participation in Local Government Road Fund Program Administered by New Mexico Department of Transportation: Road Superintendent Lovato stated COOP allocation is $200,000 with a county match of 25%, which equals $66,667. Total for COOP is $266,667. Motion to approve resolution 2020-17 was made by Commissioner Grider with a second from Commissioner Hunton. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.


a. Request for Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Vandelay Solutions and Roosevelt County: Clerk Hicks stated this is a new contract, due to the fact that the previous contract has expired. This agreement is with the same vendor, however it now has a new name, Vandelay Solutions. The fee for this agreement is in the Clerk’s budget. Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Grider with a second from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

b. Request for Approval of System Agreement with Guardian RFID and Roosevelt County: Manager Hamilton stated this agreement is highly recommended by New Mexico Counties. Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Lopez with a second from Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

Media Communication: None

Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 10:12 a.m.