We have outgrown the space we have been using since 2010 and through much prayer and lavish generosity have purchased a new building for our Clovis location. We are currently in the process of remodeling with the help of some local craftsmen and businesses, who are unsparingly donating their time and resources.
One of the reasons for our move is the expansion of our men’s outreach. In July, we hired a Director of Men’s Ministry who has been working diligently to increase the impact we have on the men in our community. Being able to offer more of our services to both moms and dads is allowing us to influence family units in an even greater way.
The added space is also going to provide more ease in implementing growing services such as post-abortion care and miscarriage and infant loss support. We love that we will be able to use one side of the new space for medical appointments like pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and std/sti testing/treatment, while using the other side for prenatal and parenting classes, peer counseling, Bible studies, and offering material assistance.
We would love for you to partner with us in our ministry! If your heart is being compelled to give towards our building fund or any other part of our ministry, we would gratefully accept your generosity. Now is the time that we all begin thinking of our end-of-year giving, and we would appreciate you choosing The Pregnancy Resource Center of Eastern New Mexico for your donation. All you have to do is follow the posted link!