by: Cole Brakebill

There’s a small town in eastern New Mexico, near the Texas border, that defies the expectations of anyone just passing through. At first glance, Portales might seem like any other rural town—quiet streets, a tight-knit community, and the unmistakable backdrop of wide-open plains. But spend a little time here, and you start to notice something different. Something you can’t quite put into words.

The people who come from Portales share a common thread. They’re project people, the kind who take on big, often overwhelming challenges, yet somehow always manage to pull them off. Whether it’s building something from scratch or pursuing dreams that feel a bit out of reach, they dive in headfirst, driven by a work ethic that’s rare these days. They don’t just start these projects—they see them through, no matter how tough or time-consuming. What is it about Portales that creates this kind of person?

Perhaps it’s the town’s deep sense of family and community. Many of the folks who grew up here still maintain strong ties, even after moving far away. They may be scattered across the country, but they remain close, connected by a shared past and an unspoken understanding of what it means to be from Portales. They don’t just leave their hometown behind—they carry it with them, representing it with pride wherever life takes them.

Another clue to Portales’ uniqueness might lie in its diversity. It’s something you don’t always notice until you’ve lived elsewhere. Here, there’s no dividing line between different school districts or neighborhoods. Kids grow up side by side with classmates from all walks of life. And that, it turns out, is a gift. This diversity of backgrounds opens minds to new ideas, cultures, and perspectives, all while preserving a close-knit, small-town feel.

The work ethic in Portales is something you can’t ignore. The jobs here—whether it’s farming, ranching, or food processing—are tough. They’re the kind of work that requires grit, persistence, and resilience. And that grit isn’t just about physical labor; it builds a deeper kind of toughness in the people who do it. A toughness that doesn’t harden them but drives them to keep moving forward, to keep working hard no matter what.

Then there’s Eastern New Mexico University, a unique presence in the town. Every year, students from across the state and the world come to ENMU, adding their stories and experiences to the community. It’s a small town, but with the influx of new people and ideas, Portales doesn’t feel isolated. There’s an openness here, a welcoming spirit that embraces these outside influences without losing its own identity.

And perhaps the most intriguing part of Portales is the ambition that runs through those who grew up here. It’s hard to explain, but you can see it in the way they’ve all gone on to do big things, no matter where they ended up. They work hard to represent Portales in a positive light, carrying the values they learned here as they chase their dreams. Even those who have moved away still feel tied to the town, still carry a piece of it with them, as a guiding force in their lives.

So, what is it that makes Portales so unique? Is it the diversity, the hard work, the sense of community, or the influence of the university? Maybe it’s all of these things. Or maybe it’s something you can’t quite put your finger on. One thing is for sure—there’s a subtle magic to Portales that shapes the people who come from here. It’s not something you can explain; it’s something you have to experience. And once you do, it stays with you. That’s the mystery of Portales, New Mexico.