The Count

I just got done with a youth trip. Leaving any particular place, checking to make sure that everyone is with us. Ensuring that no one is lost. It’s a skill I worked on for years to make sure that no one was left behind. I’ve never had a student behind on a trip, and in fact the only time I had a student missing it was when they had come in from activities at camp. It was the count that made me realize one of the students was not accounted for.


In John 10, Jesus calls himself the Good Shepherd. Concerned for all of the flock, watching out for any that are missing. Jesus cares for all of us and is concerned when any start to slip away. And he eagerly chases us when we slip away from the path he intends us to go on. We are loved by God, even when we start to fall away. He will chase after us to bring us back, but we still have to follow Him back to obedience. God is always counting after His sheep, wanting to make sure that everyone is safe with Him.


Ted Simons

Youth Minister, Third & Kilgore Church of Christ
Oklahoma Christian University
Bachelors of Arts, Youth Ministry

Third & Kilgore Church of Christ
9:00 a.m.
Bible Classes
10:00 a.m.
Worship Service
5:00 p.m.
Evening Service
Afternoon/Evening Life Group Meetings
7:00 p.m.
Devotional, Adult and
Children’s Bible Classes

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1701 East Third Street
Portales, NM 88130 5-509-0100