by Hollie Tixler

“It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man.”— Psalms 118:8

I definitely need to read and mediate on this scripture. Firmly knowing that only the Lord can satisfy my every need, I am guilty of sometimes placing my keys of happiness into the hands of another person.


Anyone else guilty of this? Have you placed your happiness in someone else’s hands? The enemy is always trying interfere with the plans the Lord has for our lives. Satan will try to stop us from being the person God has called us to be. The opinions of people + rejection is one of my biggest fears. I find myself trying to live up to another person’s standards, which only puts me in a position of bondage. Fear and intimidation are traps that hold us back from our purpose. Fear doesn’t let us live in freedom. True freedom is found in knowing that we belong to Jesus. Freedom is stepping into your true God given purpose and becoming the person God created you to be regardless of the words of others.


We have to remember people are not here to give us life. Only God can give us purpose, freedom, life and happiness. When we stand firm in Christ we live in true freedom, letting go of that validation we thought we needed from man. God has placed a unique role in your hands that only you can fulfill. He created us to shine. Jesus never allowed the fear of man to control His decisions or His walk in life. Neither should you.


For the one who is living in you is far greater than the one who is in the world. — 1 John 4:4