Roosevelt County is planning to host a Summer Internship Program for local high school students in partnership with the NM Public Education Dept. All NM Counties were afforded the opportunity to apply for this program, and we’ve applied for the third consecutive year. If awarded funding, we are anticipating being able to place up to 40 student interns. This is a six week program as the interns would work 20 hours per week. Partnering entities would provide students real world, on-the-job experience to aid them in gaining employable skills and knowledge to aid them as they prepare to enter the workforce.

Roosevelt County will handle all payroll expenses if the program is funded. Program Coordinators will provide oversight and additional mentorship to the students and work with each entity to provide a meaningful experience for both the intern and entity.

Eligible students must be at least 15 years old and can range upward to those who will graduate May 2023. If a student is 15, they will have to obtain a work permit from the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions. If parents/guardians have any questions on how to obtain a work permit for their child, they can contact the NM Department of Workforce Solutions, or find additional information here:

If a student is over the age of 16, no permit will be required.

If awarded, we should have the funding for up to 40 students. The positions will be awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis. Interested students will need to complete an application for the program, which I have attached, and turn it in to the Roosevelt County Administration Office, on the 3rd floor of the courthouse, located at 109 W 1st Street, here in Portales. I will also have it posted on the County’s website under Human Resources. Applications will be accepted through Friday, May 26, 2023. Please contact me with any questions. We’re looking forward to another successful year of student intern placements throughout Roosevelt County.

Thank you,

Lauren Bagwell

Roosevelt County

109 W. 1st

Portales, NM 88130

  1. 575.356.5307
  2. 575.356.8307

Human Resources Coordinator