Every day we have a choice as to whom we will serve.

Yes, as Christians we say we follow and serve Christ, but I’m talking about closely examining your declared devotion to Him. Chances are, there is room to deepen your surrender. 

You see, the truth is we either serve ourselves, man-made gods, or the one true God. We may not literally bow down to anyone or anything, but our actions speak for themselves. Many of us fall into the trap of serving our own, selfish appetites or our image (a people-pleasing disease of pride). We can even be ruled by our fears and insecurities.

Fact: Christians are to be servants of Christ.

Obviously, a good servant should do the will of his master. It’s never the other way around. That would be insane!

Be honest: As you reflect on today, who has been the leader — the Holy Spirit, you, or something/someone else? 

If the Lord has not been the master of your days lately, you haven’t been able to enjoy all the fullness of life in Him that John 10:10 describes!

10 “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” John 10:10 NLT

Not only that, but you’ve been missing out on being effective and fruitful for His Kingdom.

Don’t worry though, there is good news!

His word clearly shows us how to overcome this and stand strong as His faithful servant — humbly yielding all to God. Submit yourself in total surrender. Yield to God in the very smallest ways. Don’t be afraid to trust Him completely. You’ll find He is more than worthy of your all. You’ll discover His power at work in your complete weakness. You’ll enjoy the honor of truly knowing and serving the gentle and good Master.

If we are to stand strong, we must daily choose whom we will serve.

For further study: Read through James 4:3-10 and 1 John 2:15-17.

Make a list (physical or mental) of all God wants you to do when battling pride and worldliness.

Prayerfully read through or consider your list as you ask God to show you how to respond.