Sometimes you just need to get away from everyone and pray!  Have you ever felt like that? But there was nowhere to go!

Well now there is, 604 east 2nd aka the little red caboose building.  The building will be used for various types of ministry and out reaches for the college and youth in our community, as well as a house of prayer and fellowship for everyone!   So there will be a place for you to go and pray and also receive prayer. I know that we all need that!
We have all quoted and heard the scripture 2 Chronicles 7:14 “  If My people called by My name, will humble themselves and pray seek my face… then I will heal there land”
Our Land is in trouble!   We as The Church have got to come together and save the land that our forefathers fought for!   Our ancestors left their homes to come to a land where they could be free! That land and those freedoms are currently in jeopardy. I believe that if we do what God has asked us He will do what he said He will do Numbers 23:19 “  God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change His mind.  Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?”  If He said He would heal our land than he will!
That was a promise and we as His children remind the Lord of His word (Is. 43:26).  So Lets join together and fight for the land, our freedoms, our lives!  For we are not at war against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12) .  Sozo house of prayer will be open for prayer this Monday Oct. 17th from 5-9, please join in and lets pray!