I just found the job of a lifetime…and you may want in on this action! There is a leisure wear company in the UK that is looking to hire slipper testers! Bedroom Athletics is looking for people to wear their slippers for 12 hours per day for 2 days per month…and then report back to them weekly on how they are holding up. For this service, they will pay you $450 PER MONTH! Yes, you read that correctly-you could make over $5000 just wearing cozy slippers!!

Ideally, this is a British company, so they are probably looking at people in England, but you never know! Potential “testers” should be, “connoisseurs who know the difference between loafers from slide-ons or even the oft-neglected slipper sock.” (Well, I guess I’m out of the running then!) In addition to the salary, testers will also receive housewares and apparel from the company! Applications are open until January 31…so you’d better get to steppin…

I’m guessing that I lost a lot of readers at this point…and they are currently looking for that website to sign up! This story fascinated me, because of the hilarity of the idea. I want to be paid…to be comfy. It sounds like the dream job! Shouldn’t EVERYONE be applying right now?? Seems almost too good to be true! My Dad used to tell me that “if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.”

Honestly, I have no idea if it’s real…or if it’s just an elaborate ploy on the internet to get me to check their website. (Yes, I did check…yes it does seem legit…no, I don’t know if I’ve been chosen yet!) But it made me ponder: why do I ASSUME this is a gag and not real? Maybe we are all a bit of a skeptic. Maybe there’s a little cynic in all of us.

Jesus said some pretty ridiculous stuff…”Unless a man hate his mother and father…” “It’s easier for a camel to go thru the eye of a needle.” “You have to be born…AGAIN!” But one that He said REPEATEDLY, we often forget: “I will NEVER LEAVE YOU.” You will NEVER be alone!! There’s no gag-there’s no catch-there’s no “but wait, there’s more!” It’s Jesus promising that NOTHING in this world is stronger than He is!

We see a LOT of division in our world. We see politics being a dumpster fire. We fight COVID fatigue. Maybe…the cynic in us starts to say “maybe it ISN’T going to work out for us. Maybe Jesus ISN’T real.” But friends…HE IS. There is nothing that can separate us from His Love! Your SITUATION may not be good…but our God is. Your circumstances may not be COMFY…but you are not alone!

There is not one thing that has happened in our politics, in our health and in our culture that has surprised our Father in Heaven! Don’t let this moment waver your faith!! Don’t let the “Cancel Culture” teach our kids or our hearts that forgiveness is not real!! Yes…what Jesus said sounds crazy when all we see is negative and division…but IT’S REAL! HE IS REAL! AND HE IS WITH US!!

There is no catch-His MERCY is REAL and it’s new every morning! Now LIVE in His Mercy! Walk in CONFIDENCE that He is with you! And speak reminders to your spirit that He has NOT left you alone!! There is nothing more comforting than that!!

Now if you’ll excuse me…I need to go start getting my slippers fitted! I’ll keep you posted on how comfy they are!!
