The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” Matthew 5:25

Edward Mote was born into poverty in 1797 in London. His parents would not even allow a Bible in their house…but somehow, young Eddie heard the Gospel as a teen and came to Christ. He became a Carpenter and Brick Mason and though his family disapproved, he became a strong follower of Jesus! He was working on building a wall for a customer and as he pondered Scripture that he read that morning, he started saying, “On Christ the Solid Rock I stand…All other ground is sinking sand.” He raised his family as a Carpenter Mason…but in his 50’s, sold his business and spent the rest of life preaching for Jesus! Listen to some of these lyrics he wrote!

“My HOPE is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness.” What do you HOPE in? Is your hope in more money…because that will fix your problems? Is it in your workout regimen…because when you are thinner, you’ll be happier? Is it in your political party…because everything will be perfect when your person is elected? We put too much value on things that can’t carry the weight! Edward Mote reminds us that HOPE is in JESUS, not in happiness!

“When darkness seems to hide His face, I rest on His unchanging Grace.” Let’s be honest…sometimes it DOES seem like the problems drown out God’s presence! We are caught up in Covid and elections and division and School-From-Home…and there seems to be a darkness. DON’T FOCUS ON THE DARKNESS…focus on His Light! His GRACE is for us…not because we are worth it. But because His Grace is based on HIM, not us! Now THAT is light! And that is HOPE!

“When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my HOPE and STAY!” On a sailboat, a “STAY” is a part of the rigging on the mast. It helps to stabilize (STAY) the mast and the sails. It is meant to be one of the strongest parts of the sail and mast. When you are being blown about by health issues, and custody battles, and work struggles, and time change adjustments…the thing we need to be locking on to is my HOPE in Jesus! Sadly, when things get windy and stormy, “church” and “faith” are often one of the first things people toss overboard. Don’t do that! Tie into Jesus…and let HIM guide you through the storm!

We’ve seen VERY CLEARLY this year how many things are NOT solid! The massive job losses…health issues running rampant. School… sports…celebrations…all things we thought would be there all the time, suddenly aren’t there. But He has NEVER stopped being there for us! He is SOLID…He is our ANCHOR…and my HOPE should be tied to Him!

Edward Mote built houses and walls. And as he did, He saw the strength of Jesus. May YOU see the Strength of our Savior in your WORK, in your HOME, in your CHILDREN, in your MINISTRY and in your STORM! He is our Solid Rock!

Shalom, Peace – Don