“So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.”
Galatians 6:9-10 (MSG)

I finally found a holiday I can get with: INTERNATIONAL DESSERT DAY is Wednesday, October 14! I mean…Hallmark is COMPELLING us to start there! And I’ve heard it said that if you have the choice between dinner and dessert, eat the dessert first. You can always take the dinner home in a “Doggy Container”!

I’m always fascinated at these kinds of holidays-World Piano Day (Mar. 29), Read A Book Month (Sept), National Ferret Day (I actually made that up…and then looked…and THERE IS ONE! It’s April 2!)– there seems to be a day to celebrate just about anything! Sometimes those are fun things… like National Ice Cream Day (July 19th) or International Dog Day (Aug. 26Th). Sometimes these are WEIRD things…like International Sardine Day (Nov. 24th) or Measure Your Feet Day (Jan. 23). But sometimes… they remind us all of some of the things people struggle with daily.

October is designated as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Sadly, this issue is a very real struggle in our area. It is a problem across every race, culture, religion, and economic status. But as we’ve seen in other areas, this has increased with the Covid Shutdowns. I am very thankful that we have the wonderful people at Hartley Househelping to deal with these situations. We also have ARISE that works with victims of Sexual Assault and The Pregnancy Resource Center to help families to make healthy choices when faced with unplanned pregnancies. All of these resources are helping people when they are in places of struggle.

October has also been designated as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.Sadly, this affects people in our own Church Family! Whether it was a miscarriage, still born, or a life that passed too quickly, the grief that many families face is overwhelming. Many deal with this in a quiet pain, that no one sees. If this has affected you personally, please know that we are praying for you. Whether we know all the details or not…know that you are loved and valued!

Many in our church family deal with that horrible word-cancer. I’m sure you’ve seen the pink ribbons signifying October as “Breast Cancer Awareness” month. You would be hard-pressed to find one family that has not been affected by some type of cancer. May we all join together in lifting up those that are continuing to fight their battle against any type of this disease…and may you know that we stand with you.

On a more positive note, next month (November) is National Adoption Month! This issue is VERY close to the heart of our Church family. In the last 10 years, there have been at least 17 adoptions from THE CENTRAL FAMILY! And many others have been Foster Parents and involved in the lives of children from fractured situations. We are so blessed to have MANY of the staff of CYFD that attend our church and they are on the Front Lines of seeing the NEED for Adoptive and Foster Parents. While this is NOT something that every person should do…maybe God has called YOU to invest in another child’s life! Please pray for all of our impact into lives of hurting children.

“That’s a LOT of holidays, Don!” Well, yes that is…but there is a LOT of hurt in our world. The Apostle Paul encouraged the Church at Galatia to “Not grow weary in doing good.” (See verse above) Yes, we are ALL fatigued. Yes, there is a LOT of hurt. But there is still SO MUCH NEED in our community and in our church family! Let’s keep LOOKING for where we can do good. And let’s work for the benefit of others…we WILL see a Harvest!

Now I’m going to go get some cupcakes! Enjoy DESSERT DAY! And Blessings to you all!