“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6

A First Grade teacher had an idea for her kids. She gathered up a bunch of old, well-known proverbs, and she gave them to her students. But she only gave the first PART of the proverb…she had the students come up with the rest. Here are some of the hilarious responses!

  • Better to be safe than…punch a 5th grader!
  • It’s always darkest before…Daylight Savings Time!
  • Don’t bite the hand that…looks dirty!
  • You can’t teach an old dog new… math!
  • If you lie down with dogs, you’ll…stink in the morning!
  • Where there is smoke, there’s… pollution!
  • A penny saved is… not much!
  • Two’s company, three’s…The Musketeers!
  • If at first you don’t succeed… get new batteries!

Maybe another old saying is right…Kids do say the darnedest things!

Jesus encountered lots of children throughout his ministry. He understood their needs, fears, and pains, and he delighted in their simple faith. He took children in his arms and prayed for them. He used the gift of a child’s bread and fish to feed more than 5,000 people. He said everyone must have trusting, childlike faith to enter the kingdom of heaven.

I’ve been thinking a LOT about those of you that are caring for and raising little ones right now. In this pandemic and in the division we see, I’m sure that you have seen them say and act in ways you just hurt over. Caring for children is not easy, and it often goes unappreciated. DON’T GIVE UP!! But to everyone who lovingly cares for children and leads them to Jesus, His words remain precious and true: “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me” (Mark 9:37).

In 1860 Anna Warner and her sister Susan co-authored a novel named Say and Seal, in which a dying child is comforted with the words of a poem about Jesus. The poem later became a famous hymn sung in more than 100 languages:

Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to him belong; they are weak, but he is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.

To all of you parents…WE LOVE YOU! We stand with you! I am praying for you Moms that are overwhelmed! I am lifting up you Dads that are worried you’re not doing enough! May you see that JESUS loves YOU, even more than you love your little ones!

Shalom Alachiem…May HIS Peace be upon your HOME and your LIVES!


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