Proverbs 4:18: “The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which shines ever brighter until the full light of day.”

Do directions have an expiration date on them? This is a constant struggle in our house. We tell Landon “Be quiet”…and he will…for about 30 seconds…and then the super loud volume returns! I thought the implied ruling in the direction had an “indefinite” time frame to them, but to his 10-year-old brain (“Look…squirrel!”) he moved on! And then I as Dad, get frustrated. “I TOLD him what to do…why won’t he do it??”

Do you wonder if GOD ever feels that way to you and me? “I TOLD him what to do…why won’t that Thomas Knucklehead follow directions?” I doubt God calls any of us knuckleheads…but I often wonder if I test HIS patience with my lack of consistency! I start out good-I make good choices, I pray, I surrender…but within a short time, I’ve put myself back on the throne of my heart and I’m making choices based on ME!! Has anyone ELSE ever done that?

OBEDIENCE…long-term obedience-that’s what I think He is looking for from you and me! Mark Batterson once wrote: “Don’t worry about results. If it’s the right thing, then the results are God’s responsibility. Focus on doing the right thing for the right reason.”

According to that Proverb listed above…obedience should GROW during the day and the weak, instead of weakening and waning! As I move CLOSER to Him, my actions will look MORE LIKE Him! Sadly, I think mine miss that mark many times!

If you were with us this past weekend, we shared this slide: We will obey God’s Commands to the degree we BELIEVE His Promises! OBEDIENCE is a fruit of TRUST! That really hit me hard as I was working on it…DO I trust Him…like I say I do?

I want to walk in that “way of the Righteous” and shine brighter and brighter every day! I WANT to be a listener and a Christ-follower! And I need to do that EVERY DAY…make steps TOWARD Jesus every day! Do more DAILY things that look like Christ…not just “once in a while!” Paul said it this way: “I want to KNOW Christ and the power of His Rising. I want to share in His sufferings and be conformed to His death!” (Phil. 3:10) A camp song came along and added this verse after that:  “When I pour out my life, to be filled with His Spirit-joy follows suffering and life follows death!”

What does your OBEDIENCE look like this week? Is your RIGHTEOUSNESS growing as the day goes on? Where is your TRUST…and are you seeing FRUIT from it?

Heavenly Father, Your Mercy is Great and Your Grace is Amazing! I want to look MORE like Your Son every day! Forgive me when I lose focus, and help me to keep my eyes on You! Through Jesus I pray, Amen!
Shalom – Don

ENMU SPORTS SUNDAY is August 13!We will be hosting the ENMU Fall Sports Student-Athletes on Sunday Aug 13th for our 10:30 Worship time and for lunch at noon in the KidZone area! It’s going to be a HUGE day here…so can you help out?1-Start praying for that day-that we can reach new students with hope and love!       -Many of the athletes come from far away and don’t have a lot of connection with people here…let’s make them feel welcome and wanted!2-Wear your ENMU Shirts and colors that day! Let’s GREEN OUT the place! COME EARLY…and sit close to the front! Let’s keep all available seating for our students! (You can even attend Saturday night if you prefer!)3-Can you help with desserts for the meal that day?  Talk to Jennifer if you can!4-Encourage them to be a part of our Spectrum ministry starting in September!This is going to be an AMAZING day! We are expecting over 100 student athletes that day…let’s show the love of God from Central that day…and EVERY day!

L1 and L2…let’s show it!


ROOS. COUNTY FAIR – WORSHIP NIGHT!Come join the Praise Team from Central Christian Church on the Slab at the Roosevelt County Fair on Wed, Aug 23 from 6-8pm! It’s HALF-PRICE entry that night…and what a great way to start off Fair Week!Come visit the booths, the animals, the Midway, and even the Ministerial Alliance will have the Red Kettle up inside the Merchants Building!

Because of all of this, we will NOT have Saturday night service on August 26!


AMP, Sunday Nights!JH and HS, 5 – 6:30 pm(we meet at The Christian Campus House, 223 S Ave K)

Calling all teachers and school staff!  Back to school is right around the corner and we want to get you in our list!  We have a couple ways to do this-sign up on one of the clipboards in the lobby or email Jennifer at Include your name, school and grade you teach at, contact information and some of your classroom needs and favorite snacks/drinks!!We want to love on all of you as we gear up for a great school year!

We will not be sending out an mail next week, Aug 16.


If you need information, please let us know!

Email will resume on 8/23. 


The next Bacon Bros. Men’s Breakfast
will be

5:45 am, Wed, Aug 16
in the Fellowship Hall


If you have any questions, please see Franklin.


SPECTRUM RETURNS SEPTEMBER 5TH!Our Young Adult Ministry kicks off again on the Tuesday after Labor Day…and you can help! We are hoping to provide meals again for our students (probably 15-25 each week) and YOU can help! We will send around a sign up sheet later in August…but be praying about how you can help reach out to our Young adults here! Let’s make it a great year!

MONDAY NIGHT LADIES CLASS RETURNS SEPT. 11The Ladies Class is going to deep-dive into the life and story of Jonah! It’s only 4 chapters…but WOW, is there a lot to this prophet! This is a Priscilla Shirer study-with video and some homework. You can order your books from Amazon or Lifeway (we will not have any here) and be ready for a POWERFUL study! Mondays at 6:30 with Suzanne, Michelle, Samantha and Carolyn-you won’t be disappointed! (And yes, there IS childcare!)