With a new year, (Did you notice that it’s 2022 already??) I would like to let you know that your Pastoral Board (that’s our Elders and Deacons) voted to INCREASE our Missions Budget for 2022! We want to THANK YOU for your faithful giving! Because of your consistent habits of putting God FIRST in your finances, we have been able to work within the budget with no debt for nearly 11 years now! Since 2014, we have steadily INCREASED our Mission Budget EACH YEAR! In the last 8 years, we’ve TRIPLED our Missions Budget while adding on some powerful new works! I’d like to share with you some of our more recent additions to the Mission Plan!

PREGNANCY RESOURCE CENTER – Central Christian Church believes that LIFE MATTERS…and the PRC is a powerful ministry to help people dealing with unplanned pregnancies. This ministry focuses on giving assistance to families-through supplies, teaching, testing, Sonograms and counseling-all at no cost! We are thrilled that several of our Church family are closely involved with this work: Caitlyn Hays manages the Portales office and Debbie Reeves is on the Board of Directors! Many of our people were involved with the Banquet last year-Nieves Davis & Sara Cox were VERY involved with decorations and planning! We want this ministry to THRIVE in Portales/Clovis and to PROCLAIM LIFE to our areas! You can check them out on Facebook (Follow them there!) and keep praying for our outreach to Portales!

The work of Meals on Wheels has been known of and supported by members of our church for years. But this year, we chose to add them to our Monthly Support. Many of you have delivered MOW into homes…but you might wonder WHY we chose to send money and why now?? With inflation impacting everyone, it is ESPECIALLY hard on those with a fixed income. And many of our Senior Citizens DEPEND on MOW for balanced diet meals and for daily “Wellness checks.” The ministry has been limited this last year because of COVID and money has become a real problem for this work. And this is important because Meals on Wheels offers “Diet Specific Meals-meaning people on restricted diets CAN get a meal delivered that will benefit them and bless them! We are supporting financially, and many already deliver meals…but if you feel a calling to LEAD this work here at Central, please let me know! Follow Meals on Wheels of Portales on Facebook…and let’s minister to our Senior Saints!

FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH – We added the Foundations of Faith ministry in 2020…and they are doing PHENOMENAL work with our Spanish-speaking brothers that are working at dairies around the area! With 50+ dairies in our immediate area, and many of the workers at them being Spanish speaking ONLY, Stanley Jones started this work to share the Good News of Jesus with them! It has grown over the years….and Central is a PART of this work! We support financially this work that inspires people to change and celebrates when they do!! This ministry is doing incredible outreach to Spanish speaking families…and God is being glorified as we partner with other churches to do great things!

Missions is about GETTING GOOD NEWS to people! Maybe that Good News is in the form of a meal! Maybe that Good News is when people are facing challenges! Maybe that Good News is in a language that they CAN UNDERSTAND! None of these are meant to “Get more people to church!” These works are to GET THE CHURCH OUT TO MORE PEOPLE! May we CONTINUE to grow our Missions and be ON MISSION in Portales and the surrounding areas!

Shalom Alachiem-Peace of our Heavenly Father Be on You!