By Don Thomas

“They will fight against you, but they shall not prevail against you, for I am with you, declares the Lord, to deliver you.” Jeremiah 1:19

I just finished a study of the life of Joshua…and there’s ALWAYS new truths I get in that book! We all know the Battle of Jericho & Israel marching around the city-we loved that story as kids! But the more you dig into this book, the more you see powerful truths!

1) God GAVE them the land…but they still had to conquer it. The whole premise of the book is the “Dynasty of Israel” and how God brought them out of the Wilderness and into the Promised Land! It was beautiful and rich and fertile and glorious…but it was occupied by enemies! God promised His people that “Everywhere your foot touches will be your land!” But they still had to go in and FIGHT for it! There still had to be EFFORT! They still had to put on their armor and pick up a sword and repel an enemy that did not want them there! God was WITH them and DELIVERED them…but they still had to DO something!

God promises us that He is WITH us and that He has ALREADY WON…but we still have to BATTLE every day! Our enemy is clever and crafty and comes up with new things daily to push us. “We’ve already won!” But we still have to battle with the enemy! That’s why we say this a lot: We fight FROM victory … not FOR victory

Your enemy may be overeating…or anxiety. You may battle alcohol…or struggle with websites. You may be fighting “Mom Guilt” or listening to the lie that you are too far gone. God has ALREADY won…but there’s still a war going on! Listen to HIS WORDS-“They will fight against you…but they won’t prevail! Why? Because I am with you!”

2) When they came to Jordan, it was at flood stage and looked overwhelming…but God delivered them on DRY GROUND! Scripture is very clear that NOTHING happened until “their sandals touched the water.” They walked up on raging river, knowing fully that it would wash them away! Every part of them was probably shaking…but the Priests stepped into the water ANYWAY! Their eyes were telling them “don’t do this”, but their FAITH was telling them “God is with us-He will deliver us!”

To walk in faith…REQUIRES risk! There’s no way around it! We have to stop listening to our EYES, and listen to HIS WORDS! Disney will tell you to “listen to your heart.” Uh…NO…listen to GOD’S WORDS! He said “I am with you!” He IS faithful…He IS consistent…and He DOES come through

“What does this matter to me, Don?” I’ve visited with quite a few people lately that are in battles. Some with health battles: cancer, covid, chronic pain…and it gets overwhelming. Some are fighting anxiety and stress-things you can’t see, but are just as painful! God has promised you that HE IS WITH YOU! He is IN the battle with you! He is holding on to you! Yes, it’s RISKY! Yes, the enemy is strong…but the one that is fighting FOR you is GREATER THAN that enemy!

For the Mom that is overwhelmed with all those kids and all those stresses…For the Dad, that struggles to get things done & get the bills paid…for the Teen battling insecurity and wanting to fit in…for the Senior that is constantly going to the Doctor and taking meds…HE IS FOR YOU! Keep battling…keep conquering…keep at it! Our God is for you! And He WILL come through!

For the Mom that is overwhelmed with all those kids and all those stresses…For the Dad, that struggles to get things done & get the bills paid…for the Teen battling insecurity and wanting to fit in…for the Senior that is constantly going to the Doctor and taking meds…HE IS FOR YOU! Keep battling…keep conquering…keep at it! Our God is for you! And He WILL come through!