Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”
Matt. 14:29-30

You work and you try…but still the thoughts gnaw at you as crawl into bed. “Am I a good Mom?” “I hope my boss is pleased with me…he’s probably getting ready to fire me.” “Am I messing these kids up worse than they were?” “The harder I work, the worse our finances get.” “What’s the point of even TRYING to lose weight…the only thing I’ve lost is my will to try anymore.” Do any of those statements ring in your ears?

But the day didn’t START that way, did it? You got dressed, gathered your things, looked in the mirror and try to give yourself a little boost: I’m good enough, I’m smart enough…and doggone it…people like me! You’ve made your lists…you’ve checked them twice! You’ve got a big cup of coffee and KLOVE on the radio…THIS IS GONNA BE A GREAT DAY.

Now it’s bed-time…and that prophecy did not turn out to be true, did it? And here come those thoughts again…assaulting your confidence and feeding your insecurities. WHY?? Why wasn’t it a good day???

“But when he saw the wind…” That’s a powerful phrase in the story of Peter walking on the water! (Yes, I said Peter, not Jesus. Because Peter DID walk! Peter did more than the others…he got out of the boat!) It’s very easy to be an armchair QB and shake our heads at Peter. “C’mon Pete?? What were you thinking?? HE’S JESUS!!! He called you out there! You took those steps!! Why would you FALL?” Matthew makes a specific note as to the WHY of Peter’s failure: “When he saw the wind…”

Jesus was STILL capable. The water was NOT built to be walked on. God had SHOWN this to be possible. But Peter saw the “other…” and it distracted him from the goal. I don’t think it was Peter wanting to be great that made him start to sink. I don’t think it was gloating or bragging. I think it was simply LIFE that got him off track.

We see wind all the time here. We get tired of it. But it is LIFE around here. We can’t re-direct it. We can’t yell at it and make it change it’s course. We have to just DEAL WITH IT. Some can let the wind blow them down. Peter SAW the wind…and it assaulted HIS confidence, and it fed HIS insecurities. And he sank.

My friend…don’t let the WIND knock you down! Yes, it’s blowing…and probably will tomorrow as well. Life WILL come at you. Our enemy RARELY takes days off. But Jesus is there with outstretched arms to hold you up! Keep your eyes on HIM…not on the wind. Keep our focus on the PROMISES He makes in His Word: He will NEVER leave us, we will NEVER be alone. He is ALWAYS listening for us!

He is FOR YOU! He is FOR YOU!