21 “Yet I call this to mind, and therefore I have hope: 22 Because of the Lord’s faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end. 23 They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness!” – Lamentations 3:20-21
~It’s one of our greatest enemies. It’s one of our greatest WEAKNESSES: Forgetting.I’m not talking about “Where are my car keys?” or the one I battle the most lately: “Why did I come in this room?” I’m talking about forgetting what really matters!
The Gospel Singer, Dottie Rambo grew up in Kentucky, and loved singing for the Lord and about Him! She had been singing all over that area, and one day, got a call from John Benson to come to Nashville & sign a recording contract. She loaded up in the old family car and went with parents to Music Row. While riding in back seat she prayed, “God-we don’t know much…we just want to honor you. So make the contract end in $00.13” She told no one about this little “Fleece.” When she arrived, she didn’t even care about the amounts or the number of records…She just scanned the documents to the bottom. With taxes, and all of the other things, she was going to make each week: $50.13! In the car on the way back, she was praying & Thanking God-she said “Remember I’m human, and humans forget…so remind me dear Lord.”
Later, she finished this simple hymn…
The things that I love and I hold dear to my heart
They’re just borrowed, they’re Not mine at all
Jesus only let me use them To brighten my life
So remind me, remind me dear Lord!
Roll back the curtain of memory now and then
Show me where you brought me from and
Where I could have been
Remember, I’m a human, and humans forget
So remind me, remind me dear Lord!
“How do we take angry thoughts captive?” “How do we get past being hurt?” How am I going to pick up the pieces and move forward?” I hear these questions and I struggle to find answers. But I’ve been overwhelmed these last few weeks, by this verse from Lamentations: “I call to mind all He has done…AND I HAVE HOPE!” Hope is not going to come from “Everything working out.” HOPE is a choice to believe that even IF things don’t work out, I’m trusting my God and remembering all He has done!

May God bring to mind all He has done for you and All He has in mind for each of you!
Shalom & Noelle – Peace and Joy to your home! Don