“So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” – Matthew 6:34

There are some songs that just stick to you. Maybe it’s a song that reminds you of your high school Friday nights. Maybe it’s a special song between you and your spouse. Maybe it’s a commercial jingle that bores its talons into your skull and won’t let go. (“Liberty Liberty Liberty…Liberty”…see you just sang that…!) But some attach themselves to you, because you feel they are speaking TO you or about you. This is the story of such a song.

Ira Stanphill was an accomplished musician and singer, that loved the Lord and loved using his music to help people know Jesus. He began writing songs when he was only 16, and published over 500 songs in his lifetime. He wrote classic hymns like Mansions Over The Hilltop, Happiness is the Lord, and many others. You may not realize this, but he was born just north of Clovis in Bellview, NM! He traveled and ministered throughout his life. But it’s how he got to one particular song that impacted me!

In 1939, Ira married Zelma Lawson-a minister’s daughter & an accomplished musician. They traveled together doing tent meetings and crusades all over. To the audiences, they looked like a powerful couple in ministry-singing, teaching and helping others. But inside, Zelma was struggling. Her doubts about God and desires for fame left her disillusioned about ministry. And one night in 1948, she left him…and went bar hopping. Ira was devastated and chased after her for weeks, but to no avail. She divorced him & soon married another man. Sadly, she was killed in a car wreck in 1950. Remember, divorce wasn’t well received in those days & Ira fell into a great depression.

It is said that he was driving in 1951, and he started humming a tune. He was thinking about how difficult his road had been and that God kept holding on to him, even when he didn’t understand the future. He felt this line – “Many things about tomorrow, I don’t seem to understand…but I know who holds tomorrow…and I know who holds my hand.” He rushed into his home and to the piano and quickly penned what is known today as I Know Who Holds Tomorrow.

Ira’s life DID get better, but not perfect. After Zelma’s death, he met and married Gloria, and they had 2 daughters. But in 1976, he was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. And again, he had to trust the one who MADE tomorrow with the fear he was facing today.He survived the surgery & lived 17 years more – singing, praising, & working with the Gaither Homecoming Tours to bring hope to families everywhere. Ira passed away in 1993.

I share all of this because of this: You may be facing some difficult times. You may be dealing with brokenness, death, lonely, heartbreak or even emptiness. This song (and many others-Franklin puts out a weekly Spotify list…you should check it out! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2D3EeXLZPFK2bbrVSHU5cY?si=Ls27Zm3sQseXax2Cwqpyng)can help you! LISTEN to what God is saying: He HOLDS tomorrow…and He is HOLDING YOUR HAND! He wouldn’t give up on Ira…and He won’t give up on YOU!
Shalom & Noelle – Peace & Joy to you! Don