On Saturday a crowd of people gathered around the square to protest the ruling by the New Mexico Public Education.
Charles & Beverly Bennett said, “that there is no reason to burden our children any further, they need to be able to breathe in school not spend all day breathing in carbon dioxide. Plus our kids need to be able to interact with each other and that is hindered by not being able to see facial expressions – it is hard for children to develop the needed social skills while wearing a mask.
Kay Jilek said that there is a video out – 20 plus kids from New Mexico are telling why they don’t think mask should be used, one passed out, one said that they can’t see their teachers face so it is hard to hear and understand what their teacher is saying, so many kids feel isolated and punished by the mask and most especially if the parents feel that way. Children under 18 have a 99.998% chance of surviving Covid, so why would be require this when we have never done this before. It is ridiculous to send our kids to school in masks.
Niclole Tivis said, The reason that I think it is important to stand up against the masks in school, is that I think the State is trampling on our civil rights. We know our children best and last year Kaiden really suffered through the school year. First the lock down with no peer interaction and then the mask which caused him to cough for months. It is important that we stand up NOW before we have nothing left to stand up for.
Rodney Tivis said, I think it is important to protest masks in school not only is it unhealthy and possibly even an OSHA violation in the workplace, not breathing enough oxygen while wearing a mask. Also, I believe that the kids needs to be able to see emotions on peoples faces in order to respond properly to directions from teachers and their peers.
Kadian Sink (13) said, School was hard enough without having to be so tired and have a headache every day from wearing the mask all day long.
Chad & Yetta Massey said, We took a stand regarding the mask policy because we believe it should be each family’s choice about whether or not their child wear masks at school, and individual’s choice about whether or not wear them in public; especially if there is no conclusive evidence showing that masks prevent the spread of Covid-19 . During a recent follow-up doctor’s visit my daughters blood test results revealed elevated co2 levels which can cause adverse affects to her heart and brain!