For weeks local Portales Police Officers worked to raise money, collect donations and sat outside Walmart collecting toys for kids. They did all of this to give Christmas to over 300 kids this past Saturday. The Portales Memorial Building was decorated from one end to the other with Santa Claus seating center of stage. Santa Cop is an event the PPD has been coordinating for unfortunate children in our community for 17 years. The officers and staff collect monetary donations, as well as, hold community fundraisers throughout October, November and December to purchase toys and supplies for this event. The officers also go out during these months and host toy drives at local establishments throughout town. Several local businesses and organizations graciously donate food and drinks as well.
Each kid was given a chance to sit on Santa’s lap and recieve a toy specially selected for their age by the officers who were Santa’s helpers.
The kids were then served hot dogs with chips and a soft drink.
A cookie table was sponsored by Portales Woman’s Club.
Portales Police Department really stepped up the public service with this amazing event. The lines were long however the Police Dept. has the system down pat, I don’t think even Santa Claus himself could have done it any better. The building was filled with kids and family smiling and having a great time. If you see a police officer out there this week, smile and wave a Thank You for the Santa Cop project!