Salt by Ted Simmons

Like many of you I spent some time before Thanksgiving getting food ready. As I was going through my pantry picking out different ingredients for the dishes, I found myself seeing spices in the cabinet that had not been used in some time. Seeing the different seasonings reminded me of a time in college in the cafeteria when a friend of mine was pouring a ton of salt into his food. “What are you doing?” I asked as the river of salt continued to flow. “I’m convinced,” he said, “that they put unsalt into this food.” “Unsalt?” I asked, laughing. “Yes,” he replied. “As in they somehow strip this food of its seasoning and it must now be replaced with an excessive amount just to make it edible again.”

Jesus says that his followers are to be the salt of the earth. That is that it we are to be a pleasant addition, that we bring a freshness back to the world. But when our actions and words (which are reflections of our thoughts, as well) show hostility, pride, a lack of compassion or empathy than we have officially ‘lost our saltiness.’ When the fruits of our lives reflect the ways of this world more than the Spirit of God, we’ve ‘lost our saltiness.’ My friend would probably argue that we would in those times become ‘unsalt’ – a people who are supposed to bring a pleasing presence but instead make things worse than before. When we claim the name of Christ but act in a way that tarnishes his name, we aren’t being ‘salt.’

Or perhaps our actions and words appear nice, but we simply don’t show that to the community around us. Then we’re just as useful as the seasonings in my cabinet that have gone unused. As followers of Christ we’re expected to get out in the world. Jesus frequently accused the religious leaders for only being around/inviting the people who were clean but challenged them to invite the poor, the sinners, the ‘unclean’ people in. Jesus challenged them to be salt in a world that needed seasoning.

Will you be salt to the world around you, or will you remain on your shelf?

Third & Kilgore Church of Christ

9:00 a.m.
Bible Classes
10:00 a.m.
Worship Service
5:00 p.m.
Evening Service
Afternoon/Evening Life Group Meetings
7:00 p.m.
Devotional, Adult and
Children’s Bible Classes

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1701 East Third Street
Portales, NM 88130