By: Amber Knox

In February of 2022 Right to Life of Roosevelt and Curry Counties presented installation of a Safe Haven Baby Box to the Portales City Council. After a unanimous vote in favor the fundraising started in April of that year. By the middle of July, the community had raised over sixteen thousand dollars, after contractors volunteered their time and expertise for installation, this was enough to make it happen.

There are two hundred and five Safe Haven Baby Boxes nationwide from this program founded by Monica Kelsey in 2017, who herself was relinquished to a hospital as an infant.

The Safe Haven law allows parents to hand over their child, three months of age or younger in NM, to a hospital, fire station, or police stations that qualify for legal surrender under the law without being prosecuted or being required to give personal information.

The child is then placed with an adoptive family and a ninety-day waiting period begins allowing one of the parents or grandparents to come forward and regain custody. The Safe Haven Baby Box allows for complete anonymity for the parent and safety for the infant in this situation.

The Baby Box will be installed in the wall of the Portales fire station at 301 South Avenue C, with the outer door opening to South Avenue C and the inside door opening to the front office.

When the door is opened the parent will find a bassinet similar to those in a hospital nursery. When the infant is placed in the bassinet a weight sensor will activate three different silent alarms (one being connected to a generator in the event the electricity is out) and a camera inside will allow dispatch to see the infant. When the door closes it will automatically lock on the outside.

There is a cooling device inside for the summer months and a heating device for winter months. With an average response time of two to three minutes, first responders will retrieve the infant. After doing an initial wellness check they will then transport the infant to the hospital and CYFD will be contacted.

As with any other relinquishment under the Safe Haven law, in NM if the infant is three months or younger, they will place the infant with the adoptive family and there will be a ninety-day waiting period during which time a parent or grandparent can contact CYFD about obtaining custody of the child.

It is important for the mother to understand that the safety of the infant is top priority, but her health and safety are important as well. The ninety-day waiting period allows for changes in circumstance or the other parent to come forward.

The Safe Haven law protects parents from prosecution with the main objective being the safety of the infant. Inside the Baby Box the parent will find an orange bag containing information for themselves and how to get assistance. The Safe Haven Baby Box provides a safe and anonymous option for a parent who is in a difficult situation and doesn’t know what to do.

All materials advertising the Baby Box, all maintenance and upkeep, and the initial installation are paid for by fundraising and donated time from professionals. Harrison Family Builders and Hughes Electric have both volunteered to do the installation at no charge.

After installation there will be a blessing day. The founder, Monica Kelsey, will test the box several times and train the first responders in protocol. There will then be a celebration and the Baby Box will “go live”.

Right to Life would like to thank the Portales City Council, Council member Veronica Cordova, Council member Dianne Parker, City Manager Sarah Austin, Fire Chief TJ Cathy who gave full support from day one, City Attorney Stephen Doerr, Harrison Family Builders, Hughes Electric, and all those who donated.

For more information on the 501C4 nonprofit Right to Life you can contact Angie Smith at 575-714-0160 or visit their Facebook page Right to Life of Roosevelt and Curry Counties. For more information on the Safe Haven Baby Boxes visit their website