The experience was FANTASTIC and you never really know what all goes into a concert of that caliber. I saw him in 2010 in Lubbock but was in the nosebleeds, I could have stayed home and watched his music videos for money I paid and not being a huge fan I did garner an appreciation for his music and the show he put on. This by far was the once in a lifetime that is seared in my brain.
Jin-Joo is the bands dresser and basically the person that makes sure everything gets done. Her official title, I have no clue. She was kind enough to give us an inside peek into the working of Elton, the band, the caterers that travel with them and generally anything we asked she provided a tiny glimpse of the life of a “star”. She is the only female that travels with them so she can give you the scoop! I realized I would not be cut out for that lifestyle; I love my creature comforts and being at home.
My friends, Steven & Joseph having known them all for some time knew that the band LOVES sweets. Joseph and Stevens Mom (Nancy) made cupcakes for them the afternoon prior to the concert. Funny thing about that we get to the venue and all the security is giving you the spiel prior to admittance about entering. The two things that stood out to me was NO FOOD OR DRINK. Well Joseph messages Jin-Joo and lets her know we are there, she meets us at the door and being repeated several times is NO FOOD, NO DRINKS. Jin-Joo flashes her all access pass and magically we are in, cupcakes and all. I think I want an all access pass for my life in general.
As we are walking to the floor of the arena, she starts telling us random things about what is going on, and what to expect, I think my eyes glazed over at that time. We get to the room the furthest from the entrance of the backstage and it is the hospitality room. There we meet two of the band members. Jin-Joo seats us at a table and tells us to help ourselves. We actually have our own snacks & drink (beer & wine too). We common folk don’t really get to smooze with the celebs; they get the full treatment, a variety of meals, desserts, fruits & veggies and drinks (It reminded me of a small buffet). Jin-Joo tells us to help ourselves. I was too busy watching everything to be hungry or thirsty, plus I didn’t want to have to get up during the concert for a potty break. That’s me, looking at it half empty, worst case scenario. I wanted the full experience, bonus I GOT IT!
We stayed backstage until about 20 minutes before the concert started , then we took our seats. We were seated, second row, floor, center, right in front of the piano. AMAZING. The venue looked about half full at that point. It took about 30 minutes for security to get all in (PLAN AHEAD PEOPLE) get their drinks and be seated. It amazed me how often people got up to get beverages during a show. If you pay that kind of crazy money for tickets plant yourself. During the concert I came to the conclusion they should not sell alcohol at events. There are always those people that act the fool, unfortunately a few by us, but it did not deter or dampen our enthusiasm. I am not anti-alcohol, but come on, know your limits.
Anyway… The concert was FANTASTIC… we have made more memories with Steven & Joseph, and got to spend time Stevens parents, Jerry & Nancy (they are such nice people and were kind enough to have us stay with them, we are looking forward to a trip this summer to see them). Steven got to come back this direction, spend a few days with us and visit before heading back to Vegas, the real one.
And now it’s back to the kitchen for this weeks article!