Request for Delegation of Authority to Local Governments During the COVID-19 Pandemic and to Reopen Businesses Ordered Closed Using Safeguards Currently in Place WHEREAS, on March 11, 2020, the Governor of New Mexico issued Executive Order 2020-04, in response to an outbreak of a novel coronavirus identified as COVID-19, declaring a state of public health emergency under the Public Health Emergency Response Act;

WHEREAS, on April 6, 2020, the Governor of New Mexico issued an Executive Order, which among other actions, extended the declaration of a public health emergency until May 1, 2020, unless rescinded or extended; and

WHEREAS, the Order of March 23, 2020, in which the Secretary of the New Mexico Department of Health defined essential business and ordered that all non-essential businesses reduce their in-person workforce by 100%; and

WHEREAS, on April 6, 2020, the Secretary amended the March 23, 2020, Order and ordered that all non-essential businesses, including non-profits, close office spaces, retail spaces, or other public spaces of the businesses; and

WHEREAS, in rural areas all businesses perform essential services; and

WHEREAS, small businesses in rural areas have less foot traffic and can implement those virus mitigation practices ordered by the Secretary; and

WHEREAS, the blanket closure of small businesses deemed non-essential by the Order’s definition poses a significant threat to the ultimate survival of those businesses; and

WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have been duly elected by the citizens of Roosevelt County to lead; and

WHEREAS, the local governing body is better equipped to facilitate emergency plans for the local area and balance the health and public safety concerns with the economic impacts to our communities; and

WHEREAS, data related to COVID-19 shows that the virus has impacted countries, states, political subdivisions, and geographical areas differently; and

WHEREAS, Roosevelt General Hospital is vital to the local emergency plan and will aid the local governing body in serving the best interest of our community; and

WHEREAS, the one case of COVID-19 in Roosevelt County has been deemed recovered, leaving the county with zero active cases; and

WHEREAS, the model of social distancing by tracking cell phones is an invasion of privacy and does not accurately reflect the health safety practices of rural New Mexico; and

NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners of Roosevelt County, finds:
1. No one rule related to which businesses may stay open is appropriate for every political subdivision or geographical area of New Mexico.

2. Small businesses or those defined as non-essential can implement those same mitigating practices that are required of essential businesses.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners of Roosevelt County recommends to the Governor and Department of Health Secretary as follows:

1. Allow those businesses that are deemed non-essential to reopen using those same mitigating practices that are required of essential businesses.

2. Allow local governing bodies to lead the local Emergency Action Plans to ensure a balanced approach to both public safety and economic health in response to COVID-19.

PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 20th day of April, 2020.

_______________________________________ Matthew Hunton, Chairman – District II Voted: □ Yes □ No □ Abstained

__________________________________ _______________________________________ Stephanie Hicks, Roosevelt County

Clerk Tina Dixon, Vice Chair – District IV Voted: □ Yes □ No □ Abstained

_______________________________________ Dennis Lopez – District I Voted: □ Yes □ No □ Abstained

_______________________________________ Lewis (Shane) Lee – District III Voted: □ Yes □ No □ Abstained

_______________________________________ Paul Grider– District V Voted: □ Yes □ No □ Abstained