PORTALES, NM – The Roosevelt County Board of Commission adopted a proclamation during their regular commission meeting on Tuesday observing May 4, 2022 as Firefighter’s Day and the week of May 15-21 as Emergency Medical Services week.

President Ronald Reagan highlighted the role of Volunteer Firefighters in his proclamation issued in 1984:

“Our Nation’s volunteer firefighters carry on this truly American tradition of citizen response for the common good. Like the Minutemen of our early years, these volunteers are ready to respond on short notice to help fellow citizens in need. Volunteer firefighters protect our lives, our families, and the economic life of our communities from the threat of destructive fire, often at great personal sacrifice. These trained and organized volunteers, our neighbors, are a valuable national resource. It is fitting and proper that a grateful Nation should recognize the vital contributions of the one million men and women who serve in our Nation’s volunteer fire and rescue companies and departments.”

President George Bush also focused on the role of Firefighters in his 1991 proclamation:

“The responsibilities of a firefighter often entail considerable personal risk and sacrifice. In addition to enduring what are sometimes long and unpredictable hours — a burden shared by the loved ones who must cope with worry and waiting — firefighters are frequently called to put themselves in harm’s way to protect the lives and the property of others. Professional and volunteer firefighters not only bring prompt, highly skilled assistance to victims of fire and other emergencies but also play a leading role in promoting public safety. Through schools and community programs across the country, firefighters are helping to educate the public — in particular, children — about ways to avoid fire and safety hazards. They are also teaching individuals what to do if an emergency strikes. Many firefighters who are also trained as paramedics and emergency medical technicians are helping to save lives by instructing citizens in first aid — including cardiopulmonary resuscitation.”

Please join the County in honoring all of these brave first responders today and every day for their public service. 
