Roosevelt County is taking a bold step as outlined in the County’s 2023 Strategic Plan, expanding communication channels through social media. We are excited to announce our partnership with FocalShift Media in this endeavor, as they will assist in generating content and managing the platforms.

“As we begin to build out our social media campaigns, we wanted to ask residents if they would share any of their photos of Roosevelt County/Portales,” stated County Manager Amber Hamilton. “We want to feature local Roosevelt County images and local events/happenings, instead of generic stock photos, as we have so many amazing things to highlight locally.”

FocalShift Media, a local agency deeply rooted in our hometown of Roosevelt County, is eager to support this initiative. “Thomas Elliott Fite, owner of FocalShift Media, mentioned, “We work with government agencies all over New Mexico and Partnering with Roosevelt County is close to our heart. As part of this community, our aim is to ensure the county’s social media channels authentically represent its rich history and vibrant community spirit. We believe in the power of real stories and local visuals to enhance connection and engagement.”

Additionally, if you have any fun facts or unique perspectives on Roosevelt County and the County’s rich history, please email any topics or suggestions to