County Commission Room
Roosevelt County Courthouse
Portales, New Mexico 88130

The Roosevelt County Commission met in regular business meeting on Tuesday May 28, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in theCounty Commission Room with those present being: Commissioner Paul Grider, Commissioner Rodney Savage, Commissioner Tina Dixon, Commissioner Roy Lee Criswell, Commissioner Dennis Lopez, County Manager Amber Hamilton, County Attorney Michael Garcia via zoom, Clerk Mandi Park, Treasurer Layle Sanchez, Assessor Stevin Floyd, Chief Deputy Bryan Holmes and community members, Angie Smith, Kay Jilek, Shonnie Standefer, Mike Standefer, and Pat Boone.

Call to Order – Commissioner Dixon at 6:00 p.m.
Invocation – Amber Hamilton
Pledge – Commissioner Dixon
1.Approval of Agenda: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Commissioner Savage with a second from
Commissioner Criswell. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
2.Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes from the May 7, 2024 regular meeting and May 15, 2024 public input meeting was made by Commissioner Criswell with a second from Commissioner Dixon.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes,
Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
3.Approval of Accounts Payable and Payroll: A motion to approve the April 2024 accounts payable and payroll
was made by Commissioner Savage with a second by Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes,
Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
4.Public Requests: Mike Standefer stated his concerns with the centennial landscape project proposed by the
federal government. He also has concerns with the Ogallala board not being an elected board and asked the
commission to consider any long-term consequences of any decisions. He stated he worked 33 years for NRCS
and checked thousands of water wells. He is aware there is a water problem but stated there are other ways to
address those issues.
5. Elected Officials and Department Heads Reports:
Clerk: Clerk Park stated there have been 425 early ballots cast in the Clerk’s Office, and some at the alternate
site. She stated delivery of equipment will take place later this week. Election Day is June 4th and canvass will
happen at the next meeting.
Treasurer: Ms. Sanchez gave the report of the March general fund balances, stating there was a beginning cash
balance of $4,375,564.71 with debits of $619,687.89 and credits of $686,184.16 leaving an ending balance of
Manager: Ms. Hamilton stated she, Commissioner Dixon and Mr. Dominguez has attended the SERTPO meeting and Mr. Dominguez did an excellent job presenting on two of the counties TPF project applications. Ms. Hamilton stated the advertisement for the finance/Assistant County Manager Position has been posted and is a nationwide search. It will be posted for 10 business days. To-date there are 10 applicants with 6 of those being qualified. The first round of interviews will be online. The assessor’s office position has been posted for two weeks, with 29 applicants. The road department has two vacancies with those positions continually advertised and interviews are ongoing. Ms. Hamilton stated the ENMU intern is doing well in the court compliance position. A presentation will be given to the commission at the conclusion of the internship. Ms. Hamilton’s audit preparation and work on the final budget is ongoing. Ms. Hamilton stated a presentation on the solar project will be given to the commission later this summer. She and Mr. Spinks are monitoring the progress of the covered stalls, and the EOC and pavilion projects are next on the list.
Commissioners: Commissioner Lopez asked about the internship program. Ms. Hamilton stated the public
schools will handle that program this year, due to changes at the Public Education Department. He also asked
about the LaCasa Senior Center, Ms. Hamilton stated the project now has a separate ICIP. Commissioner Lopez
asked for an update on Lime Street. Commissioner Savage respects Mr. Lopez position on Lime Street, but it is

not in the county road inventory, and feels the county should focus on the county’s roads and responsibilities
first. Commissioner Savage stated he is just now learning more about the centennial landscape program, and will do some research into owner’s rights and the programs effect on the tax base. He stated 2.4 million acres in
eastern New Mexico and West Texas take out of production and put into governmental control will surely have
some effect on the tax base including loss of tax revenue, loss of access, inability to respond to fires on
government land, access to roads, and road maintenance. Soil Conservation districts are also concerned and

have been kept in the dark on this. Commissioner Savage stated he does not want the Mexican gray wolf re-
introduced to the area, and could foresee that happening if the federal government was in control of the land.

Commissioner Grider agreed with Commissioner Savage and had nothing more to add. Commissioner Criswell
also agreed. He stated any land put into the program would be in for a lifetime and possibly generations. He
gave a list of roads in his district that need attention. Commissioners Criswell and Dixon attended the grand
opening of the Food Pantry. Commissioner Dixon praised Mr. Dominguez for his presentation to SERTPO. She
discussed the Centennial Landscape announcements that were made simultaneously in five states with very little information provided. Mr. Garcia stated there is a webinar on the subject scheduled for July 24, 2024 at 1:00 p.m.
6.New Business:
A. Request for Approval of Appointment of Eldon Cooper as an Alternate to the Roosevelt County
Valuation Protest Board: Ms. Hamilton recommended Mr. Cooper replace Eldon Merrick as Mr. Merrick is no
longer eligible as he was recently elected to City Council. Commissioner Lopez made a motion to approve the
appointment with a second from Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
Public Hearing: At 6:50 p.m. Commissioner Grider made a motion to go into public hearing for the purpose of
discussing the proposed preliminary budget for FY25 with a second by Commissioner Criswell. Commissioner
Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner
Lopez-Yes. Ms. Hamilton presented on the projected revenues, expenses, changes in funded position requests
the board directed within the budget workshops, and highlighted the positive reduction in debt service for the
County. At 7:02 p.m. Commissioner Lopez made a motion to come out of public hearing with a second by
Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes,
Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
B. Consideration of and Request for Approval of the FY25 Preliminary Budget: Ms. Hamilton requested
approval of the FY25 preliminary budget, highlighting the requests made during the budget meetings held
earlier this month. Ms. Hamilton noted a positive operating margin. Commissioner Lopez made a motion to
approve the preliminary budget with a second by Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes,
Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
7.Resolutions – Ordinances – Proclamations:
Public Hearing: At 7:04 p.m. Commissioner Grider made a motion to go into public hearing for the purpose of
discussing the FEMA floodplain maps with a second by Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Grider-Yes,
Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes. At
7:07 p.m. Commissioner Lopez made a motion to come out of public hearing with a second by Commissioner

Savage. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-
Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

A. Consideration to adopt 2024-01 Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance: Mr. Montiel stated mapping the
floodplain as been a long process. He stated the FEMA maps are accurate and are ready to be adopted.
Commissioner Lopez made a motion to adopt the ordinance with a second by Commissioner Savage.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes,
Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
B. Consideration of Resolution 2024-19 Roosevelt County Board of Commissioners in Support of Calling for
A United States Amendments Convention: Commissioner Dixon requested the commission consider the
resolution stating Hidalgo County brough the resolution to New Mexico Counties. She stated she didn’t
understand all of it, and asked Mr. Garcia for input. He stated it has been a very long time since an amendment
to the US Constitution was proposed. Commissioner Dixon asked that he come back with additional
information and made a motion to postpone the vote on the resolution, with a second by Commissioner Lopez.

Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes,
Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
C. Consideration of Resolution 2024-20 Roosevelt County Rural Addressing Policy: Mr. Montiel requested
approval for the resolution stating the old policy has been in place since 1991, the new policy is broken down in
detail. It is well written and ready for adoption. Commissioner Lopez made a motion to approve the resolution
with a second by Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner
Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
8.Contracts – Agreements – Procurements:
A. Request for Approval of Professional Services Agreement for Financial Services and Audit Preparation:
Ms. Hamilton stated Toni Williamson has agreed to help with year-end close out and audit preparation since
Ms. Rivera’s departure. She will commit a few hours per week to ensure a smooth transition. Commissioner

Grider made a motion to approve the agreement with a second by Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Grider-
Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

B. Request for Approval of RFP-2024-08 Fairgrounds Pavilion ADA Renovations Based upon Best and Final
Offers: Ms. Hamilton requested approval of the RFP stating the RFP was released on April 19th. All responsive
bids were very high. The county went back to the submitters and asked for best and final offers. The best and
final offers were reviewed based on costs, specifications, and references. The best and final offer from Nixon
Enterprises at $619,270.00 was the lowest proposal. Commissioner Lopez appreciated that a local business was
the preferred choice. Commissioner Lopez made a motion to approve with a second from Commissioner Grider.
Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes.
C. Request for Approval of Scope of Work with Behavioral Health Services Department and Roosevelt
County RISE Project Funding for Continuation of MAT Program in FY2025 at the Roosevelt County Detention
Center: Ms. Hamilton requested approval stating it is the standard annual contribution. She stated Ms. Paulus
has secured grand funding and has seen a positive impact on recidivism rates. Commissioner Lopez made a

motion to approve with a second from Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-
Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes.

D. Request for Approval of Revised Amendment # 1 to Agreement for Comprehensive Healthcare between
Roosevelt County and Roadrunner Health Services Inc.: Ms. Hamilton requested approval highlighting the
addition of ancillary cost estimates. Mr. Garcia also recommended approval. Commissioner Grider made a

motion to approve with a second from Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-
Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes.

9.Media Communication: there was no media present, but there may be follow-up questions from media
watching online.

10.Executive Session: Commissioner Dixon made a motion to go into executive session at 7:23 pm with a second

by Commissioner Lopez, stating only those items listed on the agenda will be discussed. Commissioner Grider-
Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

At 7:50 pm, Commissioner Dixon made a motion to come out of executive session with a second by
Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes,
Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes. Commissioner Dixon stated as a result of the executive
session no action is needed and no action was taken.

11.Media Communication: There was no media communication.
12.Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 7:52 p.m.

__________________________ _____________________________
Mandi M. Park Tina Dixon
County Clerk