Tuesday September 10, 2024
County Commission Room
Roosevelt County Courthouse
Portales, New Mexico 88130

The Roosevelt County Commission met in regular business meeting on Tuesday September 10, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in the County Commission Room with those present being: Commissioner Paul Grider, Commissioner Rodney Savage, Commissioner Tina Dixon, Commissioner Roy Lee Criswell, Commissioner Dennis Lopez, County Attorney Michael Garcia, County Manager Annette Kirk, Clerk Mandi Park, Treasurer Layle Sanchez, Assessor Stevin Floyd, Chief Deputy Assessor George Beggs, Special Programs Coordinator Carla Weems, Detention Administrator Shayla Ramsey, Cour Compliance Officer Johanna Jiminez, Road Superintendent Juan Dominguez, GIS Technician Johnny Montiel, Sheriff Javier Sanchez, Chief Bryan Holmes, presenters Julie Surina, James Boredegaray, Eric Nelson, Melissa Armijo, Raymond Mondragon, and community members Lawrence Thompson, Brandon Brooks, Malin Parker and Alan Carter.

Call to Order – Commissioner Dixon at 9:00 a.m.
Invocation – Commissioner Savage
Pledge – Commissioner Dixon

1.Approval of Agenda: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Commissioner Savage with a second from
Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
2.Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes from the July 1, 2024 special meeting was made by
Commissioner Grider with a second from Commissioner Criswell. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner
Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes. Commissioner Dixon made a motion to approve the minutes from the August 13, 2024 regular meeting with a second from
Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes,
Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
3.Public Requests: Lawrence Thompson spoke about a hard-working dedicated woman’s journey to earn her MBA and seek to better her life. He talked about how she stepped out of her comfort zone and applied for a position with the County and how she was terminated without cause. She returned to her prior employer and was welcomed to return to the position she had held for 11 years. He posed the question, “was her termination,
legal, moral or ethical?”
4.Informational Items: There were no informational presentations.
5. Elected Officials and Department Heads Reports:

Clerk: Ms. Park stated test voting will take place on September 24, 25 and 26. Early voting will begin on October
8, 2024 in the Clerk’s Office and October 19, 2024 at the Jake Lopez Community Center. She stated election day
is November 5, followed by the canvass at the November 12, 2024 regular meeting.

Court Compliance: Compliance Officer Johanna Jiminez stated many probationers abscond from their court
appointed probation without completing the terms of their sentence. She introduced an “attempt to serve
form” to be sent to the last known address of an absconder so that they do not get away with just a slap on the
wrist. She stated the attempt to serve is necessary in order to prevent the absconder from being released from
their probation without actually completing their probation. Commissioner Lopez asked who would serve the
warrant, Ms. Jiminez stated local law enforcement will serve the warrant if the absconder is local. The attempt
to serve form will be used when the absconding probationer has left the county. No action was necessary.

Detention: Administrator Ramsey stated the facility count is 51 with 13 female detainees and 38 male detainees,
one male was released. Two detainees are from out-of-county. She reported billing in the amount of $500 to
Curry County, $3,875 to CAFB. She stated there are currently 12 participants in the MAT Program with all 12
receiving group and individual counseling and 6 receiving medications. There are 3 participants in the GED
program. The anger management class just ended and the parenting classes will resume soon. All 12 participate
in yoga and assist with the garden. She stated 9 detainees participated in the first offering of money
management. Ms. Ramsey stated since January 1, 2014 there have been 525 bookings and 548 releases. She
stated based on those numbers housing at another facility just for the intake and release days, would cost the
county over$130,000.00 add to that the cost of $125/day/detainee for an average stay of 40 days housing
elsewhere would not be feasible. Ms. Ramsey expressed urgency in filling the human resources coordinator
position. She stated she has reduced the month-long hiring process down to about 3-5 days to get people in the
door, as there is a constant need for staff on-boarding and training at the detention center. She stated there are
currently 3 open positions and 6 cadets in the academy and 3 recently completed the academy. Ms. Ramsey
stated she had reached out to Dexter Schools as they have portable buildings available. She stated several
detainees entered artwork and jewelry in the county fair, many earing ribbons. She shared photos. She stated
the chickens are laying eggs, which are being used in the kitchen as well as some being incubated to hatch
additional chicks for the program. Commissioner Savage asked commended Ms. Ramsey for the quick hiring time in the short period while she has been handling HR and onboarding staff herself. He also asked about the officer academy. Ms. Ramsey stated the academy is a complete in-house, intensive training program. Commissioner Lopez asked Ms. Ramsey about transporting sentenced detainees to DOC. She responded by saying most detainees are sent to DOC within days of sentencing by either her staff of the Sheriff’s Office staff.
Commissioners Criswell and Dixon commended Ms. Ramsey for an outstanding job.

Healthcare: Ms. Weems stated there would be a healthcare report on the October 1, 2024 agenda.

Road: Mr. Dominguez stated they had finished hauling caliche to the 2 miles of SRRF. They will move to SRR34
between SRRY and SRRZ. He stated there are about 4½ miles remaining to complete current LGRF projects. He September 10, 2024 gave a quick review of recently completed projects. He stated his crews are working their assigned blade routes and shredding in the Elida district. Commissioner Criswell reported a rough patch on SRR35 about 2 miles east of NM 206, stating he had been contacted by the Dora school bus driver. Mr. Dominguez stated he would get out there to evaluate it and take care of it.

Manager: Ms. Kirk stated she had met with Nixon Enterprises regarding the pavilion building bathroom
modifications to the engineer’s plan. She stated she had also met with individuals from Orsted regarding the
solar panel project that was proposed at the last meeting. She stated Orsted representatives are interested in
meeting with commissioners to provide additional information. Ms. Kirk stated she is meeting with department
heads to identify projects that need immediate attention. She stated she has been in contact with RGH regarding
the renewal of the agreement between the county and the hospital. She stated she has reached out to Chris
Moyer, the new Portales City Manager and will be meeting with him to open lines of communication between
their offices. Ms. Kirk stated she is working though the Human Resources process to fill open positions, including the positions within administration.

Commissioners: Commissioner Lopez stated the state Income Support Division has asked the County to house
ISD for a short period of time until they can find a permanent location outside of CYFD, as the county
commission and residents have raised concerns with the privacy of the current location. He asked Ms. Kirk to
follow up with ISD. He also stated he will be doing a broadcast on the dangers of fentanyl and illicit drugs, while
he is attending the Gathering of Counties Day at the state fair. He also asked Ms. Kirk to provide county staff
with a link to that broadcast. Commissioner Criswell thanked department heads for their reports and requested
a report from the Sheriff’s office be placed on future agendas. Commissioner Dixon stated she would be taking
items from local businesses and schools to represent Roosevelt County at the state fair. She stated she and Ms.
Kirk had spent time with department heads and Ms. Kirk is doing a great job and working hard. She stated the
fair was a success. She had heard complaints about the plan to take down the Quonset barns as some feel that
they make our fair unique.

6.Old Business:
A. Discussion of State Land Office Rod Counts: Commissioners heard from State Land Office representatives
James Boredegaray and Melissa Armijo, and Eric Nelson as well as Raymond Mondragon from EPCOG regarding easements through state land for county roads. Rods as a unit if measure was explained. Mr. Montiel asked for clarification on how rods were calculated. There is a discrepancy between the numbers calculated by the  county GIS department and the State Land Office. Mr. Nelson said the State Land Office is required to get fair market value for all land including land used for roads. He stated county roads are currently used in essence i  trespass, with no easement in place. He stated there is an amnesty program in place, that is deeply discounted from $20-$30 per rod to $1.16 per rod, to bring counties and municipalities into compliance. Roosevelt County
is currently not in compliance. Commissioner Grider asked what is needed to bring the county into compliance.
First there needs to be an agreement on the total number of rods in the rod count for the roads on state land.
Second there needs to be payment for the easement. Much discussion was focused on the stretch of NRRAV to
the bombing range, which is only a small part of the total rod count in the county. No action was necessary.

7.New Business:
A. Consideration and Consideration of Order to Roosevelt County Assessor to Impose the Property Tax
Rates Set by the Department of Finance and Administration for Year 2024: Mr. Floyd gave an overview of the
rates, the statute and the timeframe and asked for approval. Commissioner Lopez made a motion to approve
the rates as presented, with a second by Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner
Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

B. Discussion and Consideration of Appropriation 24-Z15042-13 in the Amount of $393,750.00 for
Corrections Recruitment Fund: Ms. Ramsey stated this is a 3-year grant program. Commissioner Savage made a
motion to approve participation in the grant program with a second by Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner
Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner

A. Request for Approval of the Resolution 2024-32 Participation in FY25 Corrections Recruitment Fund
(CORF) Administered by the New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration: Ms. Ramsey stated the
resolution is a requirement of participation in the grant program. Commissioner Lopez made a motion to
approve participation in the grant program with a second by Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Grider-Yes,
Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

B. Request for the Approval of the Resolution 2024-33 to Replace Resolution 2023-38 Roosevelt County
IAAO Certified Property Appraiser Compensation Incentive Program: Mr.Floyd stated there were errors in the
previously approved resolutions, but wanted to continue to revise the resolutions and asked that it be tabled
until the next meeting. Commissioner Lopez made a motion to table the resolution as requested with a second
by Commissioner Criswell. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

A. Request for Approval of Contract between Roosevelt County and San Juan County for Housing of
Juvenile Detainees: Ms. Ramsey stated there are only four agencies in the state who house juvenile
detainees and the agreement with San Juan County is necessary in case the closer facilities are
unavailable. Commissioner Criswell made a motion to approve the contract as presented, with a second
by Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
September 10, 2024

B. Request for Approval of the Curry-Roosevelt Contracts for Detainee Housing: Ms. Ramsey stated these
are reciprocal housing agreements between Roosevelt and Curry Counties. Commissioner Dixon made a
motion to approve the contract with a second by Commissioner Criswell. Commissioner Grider-Yes,
Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner LopezYes.
C. Request for Approval of the Roosevelt-Curry County Contracts for Detainee Housing: Ms. Ramsey asked
for approval of the second contract for Roosevelt County to house detainees from Curry County.
Commissioner Dixon made a motion to approve the contract with a second by Commissioner Lopez.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner SavageYes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

10. Executive Session: At 10:36 am Commissioner Lopez made a motion to go into executive session with a
second by Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Dixon stated only those items on the agenda will be discussed
in the closed session. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes. At 11:00 am Commissioner Lopez made a motion to
come out of executive session with a second by Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Dixon made a motion to
approve the contract with a second by Commissioner Criswell. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner
Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

11.Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 11:01 a.