Tuesday January 7, 2025
County Commission Room
Roosevelt County Courthouse
Portales, New Mexico 88130
The Roosevelt County Commission met in regular business meeting on Tuesday January 7, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. in the County Commission Room with those present being: Commissioner Paul Grider, Commissioner Roy Lee Criswell, Commissioner Tina Dixon, Commissioner Malin Parker, Commissioner Fabian Munoz, County Attorney Randall Van Vleck, County Manager Annette Kirk, Clerk Mandi Park, Assessor Stevin Floyd, Chief Deputy Assessor George Beggs, Human Resources Coordinator Gemma Martin, Treasurer Victoria Ramos, Road Superintendent Juan Dominguez, Sheriff Javier Sanchez, Chief Deputy Bryan Holmes, Detention Administrator Shayla Ramsey, GIS Coordinator Johnny Montiel, Arch Fire Chief Jay Lang, presenters Constance Williams and Arch EMS Chief Hugh Frank and community members Brianna Sabedra, Kam Knight, Amber Workheiser, Angie Smith, Kay Jilek, Alan Carter, Larry Marker, and 2 others.
Call to Order – Commissioner Dixon at 9:00 a.m.
Invocation – Commissioner Parker
Pledge – Commissioner Dixon
Elect Chair for 2025: Commissioner Dixon opened the floor for nominations for commission chair for
2025. Commissioner Grider nominated Commissioner Parker, Commissioner Munoz nominate Commissioner Dixon, with a second by Commissioner Parker. Commissioner Criswell moved nominations cease. Commissioner Dixon called for a vote on Commissioner Parker to serve as chair. Commissioners Dixon and Grider voted in favor.
Commissioner Dixon called for a voter on Commissioner Dixon to serve as chair. Commissioners Park, Criswell and Munoz voted in favor. Commissioner Dixon will serve a chair.
Elect Vice-Chair for 2025: Commissioner Dixon opened nominations for vice-chair. Commissioner Parker
nominated Commissioner Criswell. Commissioner Grider made a motion to cease nominations. Commissioner
Criswell was elected vice-chair by acclamation.
Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Grider made a motion to approve the agenda with a second from
Commissioner Criswell. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes from the December 23, 2024 special meeting was
made by Commissioner Criswell with a second from Commissioner Parker. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Approval of Accounts Payable and Payroll: Payroll from October 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024 and
accounts payable from October 1, 2024 to October 31, 2024. Commissioner Grider made a motion to approve the accounts payable and payroll as listed on the agenda with a second by Commissioner Parker. Commissioner Grider Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Informational Items: Ms. Williams from Senator Lujan’s Office gave a presentation on constituent
services. She stated the Senator’s office here in Portales is open and ready to assist individuals navigating federal offices and issues. She stated they can help with Social Security Disability, IRS issues, fraud and ID theft, Veteran’s Affairs issues, etc. She stated other offices are getting up to speed on the new PACT-ACT, which is meant to help veterans get through the red tape of getting the disability status and services they need. She stated she could assist counties and municipalities as well as other agencies with seeking federal grants as well as help with preparing those grant applications, ICIP review, etc. Ms. Williams provided contact information and thanked the commission for their time.
Commissioner Parker stated he asked Ms. Workheiser and Ms. Knight to attend to discuss use of the fairgrounds and what they see as the needed improvements to the facilities to attract more equine events. Ms. Knight stated the safety of the animals and the rider is an issue if the hard pan is not broken deep enough. Ms. Workheiser stated as an event producer, competitors will pull out of a show if the arena is not properly worked and watered. They both complimented the arena facilities and stated the outdoor arena holds water well. The indoor arena does not hold water well, and it gets very slick when watered due to the shallow drag. They stated the tractor is not big enough to get the drag deep enough. They recommended a bigger tractor, a better levelling drag, and a list of well trained tractor operators to prep and maintain the arena and work events. They praised the rates, the improvements to the fairgrounds, the additional horse stalls and the new RV stalls. All those improvements will help attract NMRA, Little Britches, High School Rodeo and others. Adding bucking shoots would also attract additional events. There was discussion about scheduling, sound systems, open ride nights, etc.
Public Requests: Larry Marker spoke about 12 New Mexico counties working together to petition the
federal government to revert to territorial status, to eventually become a separate state. He stated they will be
working with the Natural Resources Department and the US House of Representatives, which has control over
territorial lands.
Alan Carter stated he had a ripper that he would be willing to loan to the county for a time if that was needed to
help get the arena in shape for additional use. He agreed with Ms. Workheiser and Ms. Knight that it would be great revenue for the county and the city would also benefit. Mr. Carter congratulated and welcomed the incoming commissioners and thanked the returning commissioners for their willingness to serve. He stated there will be a gathering in Santa Fe on Jan. 23, 2025 of a group of individuals willing to help further legislative priorities. He wished everyone good luck.
Elected Officials and Department Heads Reports:
Treasurer: Ms. Ramos did not have a report other than items listed separately further down the agenda.
January 7, 2025
Assessor: Assessor Floyd stated the assessor’s 1% fund (499) is separate from the general fund and can only be used for re-appraisal activities. He stated his office had lost a key employee last year, and while she has been replaced, other staff have had to learn additional duties. He also stated it takes about 2 years of training before a new-hire can work independently. He stated the annual re-appraisals have fallen behind, and staff are willing to put in some over-time to get caught up. Re-appraisal is statutorily mandated and must be done. His resolution for a budget adjustment was not on the current agenda, but he stated he would bring a resolution in February and seek approval of the budget adjustment so that he could authorize over-time for his staff in the amount of $19,000.00. He stated this had been done in the past when Mr. Beggs was the assessor, and the 499 fund has the budget capacity.
Clerk: Ms. Park list dates of upcoming events that the commission needed to be aware of. She stated the newly
elected officials have a CFIS report due today to the Secretary of State’s Office. She stated the “pastries with the
legislators” event is tomorrow morning at 8:30 at the Yam. She stated there will be an available NMLR training
online on Thursday at 1:00 pm. She stated the Chamber/RCCDC annual banquet will be January 10, 2025 at the
Campus Union Ballroom at 6:00 pm. The Clovis-Portales Legislative Chamber banquet will be the evening of
Monday, February 10, 2025 in Santa Fe. The dates for the Legislative Conference are January 21-23, 2025 with NM EDGE classes being offered on January 20, 2025. Commissioner Parker asked for that list in an email. Ms. Park asked that commissioners let Ms. Kirk’s office know which events they plan to attend so that the proper public notice may be issued as needed.
Detention: Ms. Ramsey stated the facility count stands at 44 with 32 male detainees and 12 female detainees, with 9 out-of-county detainees. Ms. Ramsey stated billing for the month of December included $13,125.00 billed to Quay County and $1,500.00 billed to Cannon Air Force Base. Ms. Ramsey stated there are 9 detainees in the MAT Program, with all 9 receiving both group and individual counseling and participating in yoga. Of those, 5 are receiving medication, and one not in the program is receiving medication. There are 2 participating in GED classes.
The cameras in the new classroom have been installed and the classroom is being used. The facility if fully staffed with 4 recently completing academy and 5 currently in academy. Ms. Ramsey reported arrests for December as
follows: 58 PPD, 31 RCSO, 5 ENMU, 1 Probation, 2 Curry, 6 Quay, and 5 DOC totaling 112. There were 1041 total arrests for 2024. There were 6 detainees transported to DOC. Ms. Ramsey reported the total arrestees by PPD was 602, accounting for 8630 days in custody, costing $1,329,020.00. Ms. Ramsey stated the new Jail Management System software has made it easier to create these reports. Ms. Ramsey also presented the FY25 Quarter 2 Restrictive Housing Report, stating there were no detainees on restrictive housing for the quarter ending December 31, 2024.
Road: Mr. Dominguez reported LGRF for FY25 is getting started. He stated it will be time to submit LGRF FY26
project applications in March 2025. There are 4 miles of capital outlay projects remaining to be completed.
Operators are working their blade routes and cleaning cattle guards. The distributor truck and chip box have been received and are being put to use. Commissioner Grider thanked Mr. Dominguez for the work on NRR AP, stating it is in good shape. He also asked about the county line agreement between Roosevelt and Curry. Commissioner Criswell made note of a pothole needing attention west of Dora. Commissioner Parker asked if the blades were on a schedule. Mr. Dominguez replied yes, they have a route, that is changed by necessity on occasion Commissioner Parker stated SRR E near the Golden’s property needs caliche.
Manager: Ms. Kirk covered the upcoming dates, covered earlier by Clerk Park, asking each commissioner to let her office know which events they planned to attend so that she could make necessary reservations or RSVP’s as well as any relevant public notices. Ms. Kirk stated at this point the fairgrounds does not schedule anything more than 6 months in advance. She stated the first quarter budget was approved by DFA with no audit opinions. She stated the county will receive and award at conference for the FY23 audit.
Commissioners: Commissioner Dixon spoke about animal control issues, stating she was asked by a constituent
what could be done about dogs in the county. She also welcomed incoming commissioners and thanked them for being willing to serve. Commissioner Parker stated he has spoken with Representatives Reeb and Zamora and Senator Boone regarding the event tomorrow, and asked for a bit of time following the event to discuss the
counties ICIP and legislative priorities. Legislators agreed to meet with commissioners. He also stated he is proud to be here and grateful for the opportunity to serve. Commissioner Munoz also thanked everyone for the warm welcome and the opportunity to serve. Commissioner Dixon asked Ms. Kirk to post the necessary public notice for meeting with the legislators. Commissioner Criswell stated he had received a letter thanking residents of Roosevelt County as well as the commission for their efforts in slowing the expansion of the wildlife refuge. He also welcomed the incoming commissioners.
Old Business:
Commissioner’s Annual Report of Detention Center Inspection on December 17, 2024: Commissioner
Dixon reported the tour was clean and quiet. She praised Ms. Ramsey and her staff for the orderly operation of
the facility. The incoming commissioners were pleased with the calm atmosphere of the facility. Commissioner
Dixon also commended Ms. Ramsey for accepting additional responsibilities that have shifted to her during the
county manager and finance transition.
New Business:
Request for Approval to add both Chairman and Vice-Chairman as Authorized Signatory Officials for
Bank Accounts with JP Stone Community Bank, with Authorization to Sign Checks or Orders for the Payment
of Money, Withdraw or Transfer Funds on Deposits with Financial Institution. If Financial Institution Accepts
this Power with Multiple Signature Limitation, Domestic Government Unity Agrees to Waive a Multiple
Signature Requirement for Any Withdraw in a Format that Does Not Allow Financial Institution an
Opportunity to Examine Signatures and Number of Signatures Required: Two: Ms. Ramos stated because the
commission chair and vice-chair did not change, no action is necessary on this item. Commissioner Dixon and
Commissioner Criswell are already both approved signatory officials. No action was taken.
January 7, 2025
Discussion and Possible Action to Approve 2025 Roosevelt County Committee Assignments: Ms. Kirk
stated the committee assignments need to be updated to reflect the current make-up of the commission as well
as changes in staff. After discussion and volunteers filling vacancies, Commissioner Dixon made a motion to
approve the committee assignments as discussed with the exception of the NMCIA Pool Board and the Board of
Ethics, with those committee assignments to come back for approval at a later meeting. Commissioner Criswell
offered a second. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner
Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes. Committee assignments will be updated as discussed and posted to the
Discussion of Changing Commission Meeting Times: Ms. Kirk stated this was placed back on the agenda
as the new commissioners are in place. Commissioner Dixon stated a commitment to have the second meeting
of the month for a year was made last January and now is the time to revisit the issue. Commissioner Munoz
made a motion to move both meetings to the evening. Commissioner Dixon prefers evening meetings,
Commissioner Grider prefers mornings. After some discussion about allowing additional participation and
additional opportunity for working professionals to be able to serve, Commissioner Dixon offered a second.
Commissioner Grider-No, Commissioner Criswell-No, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-No,
Commissioner Munoz-Yes. After additional discussion Commissioner Parker made a motion to keep the current
meeting schedule with the first meeting in the morning and the second meeting of the month in the evening.
Commissioner Grider offered a second. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner
Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Discussion and Consideration of Contract with TKM, LLC for Professional Services to Assist the County
with all Financial Services for FY2025: Ms. Kirk stated the contract would be for professional services including
serving as CFO for the county until a finance administrator is hired and trained. This would also include budget
process and preparation, audit preparation and LGBMS reporting to the state. Commissioner Dixon made a
motion to approve a professional services contract with TKM, LLC, with a second from Commissioner Parker.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes,
Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Discussion of Insurance Premiums and Deductible Amounts for 2025: Ms. Kirk stated the information
provided included the rates and recommendations. The recommendation was to continue with the same
coverages and rates as the prior year. No action was taken.
At 11:18 am Commissioner Dixon called for a short recess. At 11:23 am, Commissioner Dixon called the meeting
back to order.
Consideration of Resolution 2025-01 Compliance with New Mexico Open Meetings Act: Commissioner
Grider made a motion to adopt the resolution with a second by Commissioner Parker. Commissioner Grider-Yes,
Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Consideration of Resolution 2025-02 Public Participation at Roosevelt County Commission Meetings:
Ms. Kirk stated Commissioner Grider made a motion to approve the resolution, with a second from
Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Consideration of Resolution 2025-03 Delegation of Authority to the County Manager for Disbursement
of Vendor Checks: Ms. Kirk stated the allows the manager’s office to ensure the bills are paid. Commissioner
Grider made a motion to approve the resolution, with a second from Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Grider
Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Consideration of Resolution 2025-04 Delegation of Authority to the County Manager to enter into
Certain Contracts and Settlement Agreements: Ms. Kirk stated she would be more comfortable bringing all
contract renewals to the commission. Commissioner Criswell stated any settlements should be the decision of
the commission. Ms. Kirk was asked at what level she would be comfortable renewing contracts and
subscriptions and such. After much discussion Commissioner Criswell made a motion to amend the resolution to
allow the county manager to enter into certain contracts up to $25,000.00 and remove the section related to
settlement agreements, with a second from Commissioner Parker. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner
Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Discussion and Consideration of Resolution 2025-05 Establishing a Fee Schedule for Public Use of the
Roosevelt County Fairgrounds/Facilities: Ms. Kirk stated she was not able to find a resolution setting the rates
for use of county facilities. There are forms including rates, rules and regulations, but no resolutions approving
those standard forms. It is time to update the forms to include the recently added horse stalls and RV hook-ups
available on the fairgrounds. Commissioner Parker made a motion to approve the rates listed on the forms with
a second from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon
Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes. Commissioner Parker also asked that the rates and
contracts be compared with other counties and bring this back to be discussed at a future meeting.
Discussion and Consideration of Ordinance 2021-01 Relating to the Promotion of Ethical Conduct of
Public Officials within Roosevelt County and Addressing Interference by County Commissioners or Other
Elected Officials: Commissioner Parker stated he felt like the ordinance approved in 2021 discourages
communication between staff and commissioners and is unenforceable. Commissioner Parker made a motion to
abolish the ordinance. Attorney Van Vleck stated the motion is not appropriate at this time as any change to an
ordinance requires a two-week published public notice, as an ordinance carries the weight of law. Commissioner
Parker amended his motion to publish notice of intent to abolish Ordinance 2021-01 Commissioner Criswell
January 7, 2025
offered a second to the motion. Commissioner Grider-No, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Contracts Agreements and Procurements:
A. Request for Approval of FY25 EMS Fund Act Application for Arch Volunteer Fire Department: Hugh Frank
requested approval of the annual application to be submitted prior to the January 17, 2025 due date. He stated
he has been preparing the report and funding request. Commissioner Grider made a motion to approve the
application with a second by Commissioner Parker. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes,
Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Consideration and Request for Approval of the Contract with TKM, LLC for Professional Services: Ms.
Kirk stated the TMK would serve as CFO for the county until a finance administrator is hired and trained. This
would also include budget process and preparation, audit preparation and LGBMS reporting to the state. The
contract would not exceed $59,550.00 for FY25. Commissioner Grider made a motion to approve the contract
for professional services with TKM, LLC, with a second from Commissioner Criswell. Commissioner Grider-Yes,
Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Request for Approval of the 48-month Contract with TimeClockPlus for Annual License and Services:
Ms. Kirk stated Ms. Martin could give further details about the timeclockplus software. Ms. Martin stated TCP is
the software used for payroll management and timecards/record keeping for hourly staff. Commissioner Dixon
made a motion to approve the contract with TimeClockPlus, with a second from Commissioner Munoz.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes,
Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Media Communication: No media was present.
Executive Session: At 12:09 p.m. Commissioner Dixon made a motion to go into executive session with a
second by Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Dixon stated only those items on the agenda will be discussed in the
closed session. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes,
Commissioner Munoz-Yes. At 12:56 p.m. Commissioner Grider made a motion to come out of executive session
with a second by Commissioner Criswell. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner
Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes. Commissioner Dixon stated only those items on
the agenda were discussed in executive session. She also stated no action was taken in the executive session, and
no action is needed.
15) Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 1:01 p.m.
Mandi M. Park
County Clerk
Tina Dixon
Commission Chair