Tuesday, February 25, 2020
County Commission Room
Roosevelt County Courthouse
Portales, New Mexico 88130

The Roosevelt County Commission met in regular business meeting Tuesday, February 25, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. in the County Commission Room in the Roosevelt County Courthouse with those present being: Commissioner Matthew Hunton, Commissioner Tina Dixon, Commissioner Dennis Lopez, Commissioner Lewis Shane Lee, County Manager Amber Hamilton, Clerk Deputy Silke Humpe, Clerk Deputy Mandi Park, Treasurer Layle Sanchez, Special Projects Coordinator Carol Acosta-Flores, Road Superintendent Ricky Lovato, RCDC Administrator Justin Porter, Human Resource Coordinator Debra Olds, Financial Specialist Lilliana Rivera, Sheriff Malin Parker, Detective David Meeks, GIS Technician Johnny Montiel, Probate Judge Michelle Bargas, Lt. Col. Gheesling, Col. Meyers, Kaylee Vineyard United Way, Don Essary, LD Burrow, Lloyd McCargish, Tim Allison, Jim Standifer, Pat Rains, Dee Wesson, Julian Vargas, Paul Luscomb, Alfonso Gomez, Andy Nials, Cody Bilbrey, Patricia Fenton, Cathy Rector, Les Rector, Tasha Grassel, Crystal Meiwes, Kimberly Smith, Robert Weigl, Glenn Sutton, Anthony Claussen, Nicole Tivis, Rodney Tivis, Roy Tivis, Tom Temple, John Boudreaux, Scotty Savage, Mary Helen Carter, Matthew A Burris, Quaylene Parkey, Ginger Grider, Daniel Boan, Audra Brown, Buzz Goodson, Ryan Ainsworth, Beverly Bennett, Amanda Kaberlein, Rhonda Davis, Vernie Davis, Rodney Savage, Ryan Craig, Paul Kiekel, Marilyn Standefer, Isaac Montellano, Bonnie Norton, Billie Dixon, Grady Goodson, Mike Standefer, Shonna Standefer, Keane Brown, David Craig, Buzz Goodson, Maeve Nall, Tait Nall, Shayla Ramsey, Larry Sommerville, Johna Johnson, Rebekah Smith, John Eberhard, Mark Clark, Tommy Heflin, Joletha Heflin, Larry Levacy, Kendall Levacy, and Eastern New Mexico News Staff Writer Mathew Brock. County Attorney Randy Knudson attended only during executive session via telephone.

Call to Order – Chairman Hunton at 9:00 a.m.
Invocation – Manager Hamilton
Pledge – Chairman Hunton

Approval of Agenda:
Motion to approve agenda was made by Commissioner Grider with a second from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve minutes of the January 7, 2020 regular meeting was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

Approval of Accounts Payable/Payroll:
Motion to approve Accounts Payable and Payroll for December 1-31, 2019 and January 1-31, 2020 was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

Public Requests: NONE.

New Business:
a. Presentation by Cannon Air Force Base regarding Proposed Improvements on North Roosevelt Road AV Through the Federal Defense Access Road Program and Request for Approval to Move Forward with Funding Request: Lt. Col Gheesling gave an update on the current status and they are still hoping to move forward with this project and the Memorandum of Agreement. There are two areas of concerns, the repairs and the installation of a fence line for safety. This road is the primary access point and they have secured $600,000 in funds. Construction will start in 2021. Commissioner Hunton stated that the road needs to be up to standard. Commissioner Lee inquired who will upkeep the road. Lt. Col Gheesling stated that the Air Force won’t be able to maintain the road. They are working closely with the County Manager, State Representatives and Senator Ingle. County Manager Hamilton stated that she spoke with Department of Transportation. The County won’t be responsible for the first year and the DOT will assist with the east side which needs fencing. Motion to approve proposed improvements on North Roosevelt Road AV through the Federal Defense Access Road Program was made by Commissioner Lopez with a second by Commissioner Hunton. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

b. Request for Approval of Summary Replat of Lot 2 in the Sunrise Addition: GIS Technician Montiel stated that the Summary Replat of Lot 2 in the Sunrise Addition met all the rules and regulations and asked for approval of the same. Motion to approve Summary Replat of Lot 2 in the Sunrise Addition was made by Commissioner Grider with a second by Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

c. Ratification of Lewis Shane Lee Signatory Authority for Jan 1 – January 07, 2020 Accounts Payable:
Motion to approve Ratification of Lewis Shane Lee Signatory Authority for Jan 1 – January 7, 2020 for Accounts Payable was made by Commissioner Lopez with a second by Commissioner Hunton. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

Motion was made to enter into Board of Finance Meeting at 9:13 a.m. by Commissioner Lee with a second by Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider- Yes.

d. Presentation of Investments and Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Sanchez presented Treasurer’s Report with steady growth.

Motion to come out of Board of Finance meeting at 9:15 a.m. was made by Commissioner Lee with a second by Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider- Yes.

Motion to approve Treasure’s Report was made by Commissioner Lee with a second by Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

Elected Officials/Department Heads Report:
Employee Recognition: Certificates of Appreciation were presented by HR Coordinator Olds and Commissioner Hunton to: Tasha Grassel 5 years, Julian Vargas 1 year, Mathew Burris 1 year, Anthony Claussen 1 year, Matthew Vigil 3 years, Eric Padilla 5 years, Bryan Holmes 3 years, David Meeks 3 years, Adam Agular 3 years, Jennifer Sherburne 1 year, Silke Humpe 1 year.

Probate Office: Probate Judge Bargas reported 30 Probates from January 2019 until December 2019 and 21 miscellaneous Probates from other counties for a total of 51 Probates. January 2020 to current date she processed 8 Probates. For her total term as Probate Judge she processed 106 Probates and 74 miscellaneous Probates for a total of 180 Probates. She and Clerk Hicks attended the Probate Conference in February.

2020 Census Update: GIS Technician Montiel reported that starting March 12, postcards with Census information will be mailed out. Between March 12-20, every home will receive an invitation to complete the 2020 Census, by phone, via email or online. The committee is involved in local events, media coverage and meetings with dairies and rural citizens regarding census information. April 1st is National Census Day. Commissioner Lee stated that the results of the Census also determines the number of seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives, and they are used to draw Congressional and State Legislative Districts. Commissioner Lopez mentioned that the funding for the outreach program is going well and the internet will be the most cost effective way to participate in the Census. Montiel stated there will be hubs across the county with computer availability to participate.

Detention: Facility count is 63 (53 males and 10 females) with 11 being from out of county, 96 bookings and 110 releases for the month of January 2020, and $23,950.50 total billed. Facility Maintenance: laundry room is completed with 2 commercial washers and 2 commercial dryers installed. The process of kitchen upgrades is under way. There are 5 officer cadets in academy training. Administrator Porter stated there is a small delay in the tablet system being installed, until March. Several Juvenile Detention Centers are closing in the state and if Curry County closes we will have to look elsewhere for housing juvenile detainees.

Finance: Financial Specialist Rivera presented the 2nd Quarter Report submitted to DFA with expenditures being at or below budget.

Healthcare/Indigent Healthcare Meeting:
Motion to enter into Indigent Healthcare Meeting was made at 9:41 a.m. by Commissioner Lopez with a second from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

Special Projects Coordinator Acosta-Flores reported there were 36 claims in the amount of $58,531.89. Her recommendation is to approve 23 of the claims in the amount of $10,668.37, and to disapprove 13 claims for being on Medicaid or not a detainee during medical service.

Motion to come out of Indigent Meeting at 9:43 a.m. was made by Commissioner Lopez with a second from Commissioner Hunton. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

Motion to approve the 23 recommended claims was made by Commissioner Lopez with a second from Commissioner Hunton. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

Road: Road Superintendent Lovato reported his department will receive a wildlife refresher course on Saturday. Reward is still being offered for information on illegal dumping of trash and watch cameras have been installed. His crew is cutting trees and doing routine maintenance, including picking up trash and furniture.

Manager: Manager Hamilton reported that the county received the FY18 Audit & Accountability Award and gave an update on the FY19 Roosevelt County Audit. The final Audit Report will be available on March 24, 2020. A legislative update will be given in Roswell on March 26, if anyone would like to attend let her know and she will RSVP. The Chamber of Commerce will hold a legislative luncheon on March 5 at the Yam Theater with Senator Ingle. She reported updates on several senate and house bills including funding for roads, retiree healthcare and the La Casa roof project. She reported that the problem with funding is on the state level and not on the county. She also stated that the number of juvenile detainees has declined and the county will look to Lea County to contract housing for juvenile detainees.

Commissioners: Commissioner Dixon: Thanked everyone for coming and explained that the 72 hour notice for the special called meeting, on February 18, was met in anticipation of a quorum. What the newspaper said in regards to not having a quorum was simply not true. All the commissioners contact information is available, however, she had not been contacted by residents prior to the special called meeting. Commissioner Dixon would like to be the voice of the people and is easily reachable.

Commissioner Lee: Stated lots of theft has happened and to watch out for your neighbor. He also reported that NM 114 from Dora to the Stateline is dangerous with all the wind farm traffic.

Commissioner Hunton: 914 Bills were introduced in a 30 day session, he worked on SB 110 for days but it passed anyway. He also had no phone calls before the previously set meeting and had 3 calls after that meeting. He wants to represent people and their concerns.

Commissioner Lopez: Reported that La Casa thanks everyone for the funding and for everyone to keep looking for funds so the roof project can be completed. The Foodbank housed in Clovis will now have a branch site at La Casa. He also reported that the NMDOT would be in our area and we need to encourage repair to the Floyd, Lovington and Bethel Highways.

Resolutions – Ordinances – Proclamations:
a. Consideration of Resolution 2020-05 Declaring Opposition to the Extreme Risk Protection Order Act: Mr. Montellano read aloud the second Amendment. Sheriff Parker wanted to take this resolution to the Commissioners for consideration, he knows it is late, but it is what the citizens of Roosevelt County want. It is a violation of their constitutional rights. After Sheriff Parker read the resolution aloud, Commissioner Lopez went over the statistics for and against SB 05 and went over the language in the resolution. He believes it is a mental health issue. Commissioner Lee asked the wording be changed from “County Manager” to “Citizens of Roosevelt County”. Commissioner Dixon asked if anyone attending this meeting was against the resolution and no one was. Commissioner Hunton stated that there is no need to enforce any unconstitutional law and should the courts deem this law unconstitutional we shouldn’t enforce this law. He also suggested to start streaming the commission meetings so people who are unable to attend can participate and be informed. He stated the resolution is meaningful, but a letter with hundreds of signatures is more powerful. He requested the County Attorney’s signature line be removed. Manager Hamilton said the Resolutions and Ordinances go on the county’s website.
Motion to amend resolution 2020-05 was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.
Motion to approve resolution 2020-05 as amended was made by Commissioner Dixon with a second from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

b. Consideration of Resolution 2020-06 2020 Annual Certified County Maintained Mileage: Road Superintendent Lovato presented the annual maintained mileage report and stated that the county is very close to the 1200 mile funding threshold. He thanked GSI Technician Montiel for his help on the report. Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

c. Consideration of Resolution 2020-07 Authorizing Support for HGTV Hometown Takeover: Pick Us Pick Portales: Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Hunton with a second from Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

d. Consideration of Resolution 2020-08 Authorizing the Submission of a New Mexico Community Development Block Grant Program Application to the Department of Finance and Administration/Local Government Division; and Authorizing the Chairman of the Commission to Act as the County’s Chief Executive Officer and Authorized Representative in all Matters Pertaining to Roosevelt County’s Participation in the Community Development Block Grant Program: Special Projects Coordinator Flores reported that 4 meetings were held for public input with no response. The prior project is ready to be submitted and the new application is due in June. Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Lopez with a second from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

e. Proclamation Designating February 2020 as 211 Month: Kaylee Vineyard with United Way reported that the 211 program is a free, confidential referral and information helpline for health and human service’s needs. Commissioner Hunton read the proclamation aloud and commented that this program is an invaluable asset to the community. Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Lopez with a second from Commissioner Hunton. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

a. Request for Ratification of EMS Fund Applications for Arch Volunteer Fire Department: Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Hunton. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

b. Request for Ratification of EMS Fund Applications for Milnesand Volunteer Fire Department: Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Dixon with a second from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

c. Request for Approval of Agreement for Electric Service with Roosevelt County Electric Cooperative for Milnesand Volunteer Fire Department: Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

d. Consideration of Contract for Services with Roosevelt County Soil and Water Conservation District for Spraying of Noxious Weeds: Motion to approve was made by Commissioner Hunton with a second from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

Media Communication: NONE

Executive Session:
Motion to go into Executive Session Pursuant to 10-15-1 N.M.S.A. (1978) H (7) attorney-client privileged information pertaining to threatened or pending litigation, specifically the McFarlin vs. Roosevelt County, Hernandez vs. Roosevelt County, Natural Chem Holdings, National Prescription Opiate Litigation, Roosevelt County vs. Manuel Perez, and to discuss attorney-client privileged information relating to pending or threatened litigation and/or limited personnel matters was made at 11:12 a.m. by Commissioner Hunton with a second from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes.

Those attending Executive Session were: Commissioner Dixon, Commissioner Lee, Commissioner Hunton, Commissioner Lopez, Commissioner Grider. County Attorney Knudson was present via phone.

Motion to come out of Executive Session was made at 11:27 a.m. by Commissioner Hunton with a second from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Grider-Yes. No Action Needed, No Action Taken.

Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 11:29 a.m.


__________________________ _____________________________
Stephanie Hicks Matthew Hunton
County Clerk Commission Chairman