Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Jake Lopez Community Building
Roosevelt County Fairgrounds
Portales, New Mexico 88130

The Roosevelt County Commission met in regular business meeting on Tuesday December 15, 2020, at 9:00 p.m. in the
Jake Lopez Community Building with those present being: Commissioner Tina Dixon, Commissioner Matthew Hunton,
Commissioner Lewis Shane Lee, County Manager Amber Hamilton, County Attorney Randy Knudson, Chief Deputy Clerk
Nath Baca, County Services Specialist Mandi Park, County Treasurer Layle Sanchez, Probate Judge Michelle Bargas, RCCDC
Executive Director Jim Lucero. Commissioner Paul Grider and Commissioner Dennis Lopez were absent.

Call to Order – Commissioner Hunton at 9:00 a.m.
Invocation – County Manager Hamilton
Pledge – Commissioner Hunton
Approval of Agenda:
Motion to approve agenda was made by Commissioner Dixon with a second from Commissioner Lee.
Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.
Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve minutes of the December 1, 2020 regular meeting was made by Commissioner Lee with a
second from Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.
Approval of Accounts Payable/Payroll:
Motion to approve accounts payable and payroll November 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020 was made by
Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Hunton. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner HuntonYes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.

Public Requests: The County Manager read aloud a letter submitted by Bruce Nixon proposing local control over opening
offices, businesses, schools and churches.

Informational Items: RCCDC Executive Director Jim Lucero gave his annual report stating that in April and May 2020 a
fundraiser was held raising $9374 to help the 11 food pantries in Roosevelt County. Mr. Lucero stated the RCCDC
teamed up with the City of Portales and was one of the first communities in the State to help out their local
businesses. Phase 1 helped 14 businesses with $180,800 and Phase 2 helped an additional 9 businesses for
$94,750 for a total of $275,500 of the $400,000 that was set aside. He also reported RCCDC helped the county
with the CARES Act grant program issuing 25 grants with a total of $239,625. A total of 48 grants were awarded
for a total of $515,175. A grant was given to the Goodlife Senior Living & Memory Care Center for $300,000. It is
a facility with 16 beds and has plans for an expansion of another 16 beds.

Elected Officials/Department Heads Report:
Probate Judge: Judge Bargas stated she has been ill for the last 3 weeks but with the help from the Clerk’s Office
has been able to help people through phone calls and e-mails. There have been 37 probates done including
miscellaneous probates.

Treasurer: County Treasurer Sanchez reported beginning cash in the General Fund is $2,668,790.25. There has
been an increase (debit) of $1,011,432.82 and a decrease (credit) of $644,901.93. The ending General Fund cash
is $3,035,321.14. Collections have been good for December. A little over 60% has been collected.
Detention Center: Facility count is 61 (45 males and 16 females) with 7 being from out of county, 60 bookings
and 61 releases for the month of November 2020, and $30,697.50 total billed. In the month of November there
were 4 male and 3 female transports to the Department of Corrections by the Detention Center. In December
2020 RCDC transported 5 males and 3 females. Presently there are 2 officers in academy training and 2 have
recently graduated. Facility Maintenance: They are working on the plumbing in the back dayrooms, shower
stalls and changing to LED lights in the dayrooms. COVID 19 safety practices continue. Court Compliance:
Research is being done for digital data base and tracking. There is continuous updating and archiving of files. A
meeting will be held with the District Attorney’s office about changes coming for the next year.

December 15, 2020
Manager: County Manager Hamilton reported that Special Projects Coordinator Acosta-Flores is working
diligently on the CARES Act project. They have submitted the paperwork for the final reimbursement from the
state. Work on the HVAC systems for the Courthouse and the Enterprise Center is continuing and everything is
going smoothly.
Commissioners: None

New Business:
A. Discussion and Consideration of Additional Capital Requests Commission Prioritized with FY21 Budget:
County Manager Hamilton shared the current revenue collection numbers to reflect the Commission’s ability to
consider funding FY21 requested capital purchases, and presented the FY21 list and recommendations. Motion
to approve Additional Capital Requests Commission Prioritized with FY21 Budget which includes a tractor and a
fleet for the road department and a fleet for the sheriff’s office was made by Commissioner Dixon with a second
from Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.
B. Discussion and Review of the 2021 Capital Outlay Priorities:
Motion to approve 2021 Capital Outlay Priorities and to keep them as they are was made by Commissioner Lee
with a second from Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner

Resolutions – Ordinances – Proclamations:
A. Consideration of Resolution 2020-34 Revising the Roosevelt County Detention Center Annual Policies and
Procedures: Motion to approve Resolution 2020-34 was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from
Commissioner Hunton. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.
B Consideration of Resolution 2020-35 Establishing a Roosevelt County Annual Training Policy: Motion to
approve Resolution 2020-35 was made by Commissioner Dixon with a second from Commissioner Lee.
Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.
C. Consideration of Resolution 2020-36 Declaring an Exceptional Drought and Fire Danger Emergency in
Roosevelt County: Motion to approve Resolution 2020-36 was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from
Commissioner Hunton. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.
D. Consideration of Resolution 2020-37 2
nd Quarter Budget Adjustment Resolution: Motion to approve Resolution
2020-37 was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Hunton. Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.
E. Consideration of Resolution 2020-38 Establishing a Cost of Living Adjustment for County Employees: Motion to
approve Resolution 2020-38 was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Hunton.
Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.
F. Request for Approval of Notice of Intent for Consideration of Ordinance 2021-01 An Ordinance Relating to the
Promotion of the Ethical Conduct of Public Officials within Roosevelt County and Addressing Interference by
County Commissioners or Other Elected Officials: Motion to approve Notice of Intent for Consideration of
Ordinance 2021-01 was made by Commissioner Lee with a second from Commissioner Hunton. Commissioner
Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.
G. Request for Approval of Notice of Intent for Consideration of Ordinance 2021-02 Considering a Tax Rebate of a
Part of Property Tax Due From Low-Income Taxpayers: Motion to approve Notice of Intent for Consideration of
Ordinance 2021-02 was made by Commissioner Hunton with a second from Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner
Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.
Contracts – Agreements – Procurements:
A. Request for Ratification of Seven Roosevelt County Small Business Grant Awards to in total amount of
$60,289.77: Motion to approve the Ratification of twelve Roosevelt County Small Business Grant Awards to in
December 15, 2020
total amount of $60,289.77 was made by Commissioner Lee with a second by Commissioner Hunton.
Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.
B. Consideration of Joint Powers Agreement Ute Reservoir Water Commission: Motion to approve the Joint
Powers Agreement Ute Reservoir Water Commission was made by Commissioner Hunton with a second by
Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes, Commissioner Lee-Yes.
C. Request for Consideration of Road Use Agreement with the Eastern New Mexico Water Utility Authority:
Motion to approve the Road Use Agreement with the Eastern New Mexico Water Utility Authority was made by
Commissioner Hunton with a second by Commissioner Lee. Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Hunton-Yes,
Commissioner Lee-Yes.
Media Communication: None
Recess: 10:12 a.m.
Reconvened for the Annual Commission Detention Center Inspection: Reconvened at the Roosevelt County Detention
Center at 10:40 for the Annual Commission Detention Center Inspection with those present being: Commissioner
Hunton, Commissioner Dixon, Commissioner Lee, County Manager Hamilton, Lieutenant Laher, Lieutenant Ramsey and
Administrator Porter.
Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m.