Tuesday February 18, 2025
County Commission Room
Roosevelt County Courthouse
Portales, New Mexico 88130

The Roosevelt County Commission met in regular business meeting on Tuesday February 18, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. in the County Commission Room with those present being: Commissioner Paul Grider, Commissioner Roy Lee
Criswell, Commissioner Tina Dixon, Commissioner Malin Parker, Commissioner Fabian Munoz, County Attorney Randall Van Vleck, County Manager Annette Kirk, Clerk Mandi Park, Assessor Stevin Floyd, Deputy Assessor Tasha Grassel, Human Resources Coordinator Gemma Martin, Treasurer Victoria Ramos, DWI Prevention Coordinator Darla Reed, Special Programs Coordinator Carla Weems, Chief Deputy Sheriff Bryan Holmes, Lt Mark Morrison, Detention Administrator Shayla Ramsey, Arch Fire Chief Jay Lang, Arch Firefighter Ty Sanders, Milnesand Fire Chief Russell Bilbrey, Dora Fire Chief Paul Luscombe, presenters Mike Cone and George Jones, and community members Angie Smith, Kay Jilek, Kendale Buzzard, Jeff Davis, and Jaime Pience.

Call to Order – Commissioner Dixon at 6:00 p.m.
Invocation – Commissioner Criswell
Pledge – Commissioner Dixon
Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Dixon asked to strike item 10C from the agenda, and Commissioner
Parker asked to strike item 8B from the agenda prior to approval. Commissioner Criswell made a motion to approve the agenda as amended with a second from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes from the January 7, 2025 regular meeting was
made by Commissioner Parker with a second from Commissioner Criswell. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Approval of Accounts Payable and Payroll: Payroll from January 1, 2025 through January 31, 2025 and
accounts payable from November 1, 2024 to January 31, 2025 was included in the packet. Commissioner Grider
made a motion to approve the accounts payable and payroll as listed on the agenda with a second by Commissioner Parker. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes,
Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Informational Items: Roosevelt Soil and Water Conservation: Mr. Cone from the Roosevelt Soil and
Water Conservation District presented on multiple projects including the shade ball project, stating they have
distributed more than 700,000 shade balls to prevent evaporation etc. He spoke about a cost share program and a carbon sequestration project through New Mexico Tech. Mr. Cone discussed an appropriation of $1,000,000 to be used for rainfall enhancement programs including summer cloud seeding. He shared a handout, providing data on the start of the project from July – September of 2024. The remainder of the project will begin in April and continue through September of 2025. He stated they are currently lobbying in Santa Fe for additional funds. He stated the Roosevelt County Soil and Water Conservation district has worked to secure joint powers agreements with all of the other soil and water districts on the east side of the state for the project. They are working with consultant George Bomar and much improved technology, which is very precise. Commissioner Parker asked if they were currently cloud-seeding as a constituent had raised concerns. Mr. Cone replied they were not currently cloud-seeding, and would not start again until April. He provided studies that show the process is not harmful to the environment, or people.
Informational Items: Discussion on Road AV with DoD: Mr. Jones, the director of staff at CAFB, spoke
about the desire of the Department of Defense to expend the allocated DAR funding to pave the North Roosevelt
Road AV project, leading to the Melrose Bombing Range. He stated the funding timeframe is running out. He stated the approved funds must be encumbered prior to August 30, 2025. Commissioner Parker stated if NRRAV was paved now, even if paid for by DAR funding, it would be our responsibility in the future. It may cost $8,000,000.00 now, but it is going to cost much more than that to maintain it in the future. Mr. Jones responded by saying we would be able to apply for capital outlay to maintain the road in the future. Commissioner Dixon stated there are very few residents who benefit from the paving of that road. She stated 99% of the traffic on that road is directly related to CAFB, and both sides of the last 2 miles of that road cross state land, requiring an easement. She stated the easement would not benefit county residents. She voiced a concern with the cost of maintenance. Mr. Jones noted the MOA that was signed in April of 2021, to request the DAR funding for the purpose of paving the road.
Nearly 4 years later the process is stalled, the work is not done, and the time is running out. His mission is to get
that funding used before time runs out. He stated the ability of the base to secure future funding would be
significantly diminished if this funding is not spend as originally intended. Commissioner Criswell noted we have 108 additional sections of roadways that would require easements from the state land office, not just the final 2 miles leading into the Melrose Bombing Range. Commissioner Dixon restated her concerns with the easement, and with the cost of maintenance. She offered to meet with base staff and the state land office in public meeting. A special meeting will be scheduled at a later time.
Public Requests: There were no public requests.
Elected Officials and Department Heads Reports:
Treasurer: Ms. Ramos reported the general fund cash balances from September 2024 through December 2024. Ms. Ramos stated the September 1, 2024 beginning cash balance was $4,136,919.34 with debits of $1,600,848.09 and credits of $734,262.90 with an ending balance of $5,003,504.53. She reported October as having a beginning cash balance of $5,003,504.53 with debits of $935,272.23 and credits of $1,047,382.44 with and ending balance of $4,891,394.32. She reported November as having a beginning cash balance of $4,891,394.32 with debits of $1,691,620.94 and credits of $684,037.21 with and ending balance of $5,898,978.05. Ms. Ramos reported February 18, 2025 December as having a beginning cash balance of $5,898,978.05 with debits of $2,995,581.48 and credits of $678,697.30 with and ending balance of $8,215,862.23. There were no questions for Ms. Ramos.
Assessor: Assessor Floyd stated the deadline for rendition is the end of February. Residents are required to self
report assets. Mr. Floyd stated his office and affiliate is tracking 2 bills on how the veterans’ exemptions that were approved by the voters last November will be implemented.
Clerk: Ms. Park summarized the pending election related legislation and provided a handout summary of the 27 bills the county is watching closely. Ms. Park stated there have been 987 pieces of legislation introduced at this point in the session. The deadline for introduction of legislation is Thursday February 20, 2025. We are likely to see dozens of dummy bills introduced in the next 2 days as place holders for potential legislation that has not been finalized prior to the introduction deadline. We will watch those bills closely as well.
Detention: Ms. Ramsey stated the facility count stands at 58 with 47 male detainees and 11 female detainees, with 6 out-of-county detainees. Ms. Ramsey stated billing for the month of January included $6,000.00 billed to Quay
County. Ms. Ramsey stated there are 8 detainees in the MAT Program, with all 8 receiving both group and individual counseling and participating in yoga. Of those, 6 are receiving medication, and one not in the program is receiving medication. There are 3 participating in GED classes. The new classroom is being used for art classes for the MAT Program. The facility if fully staffed with 3 recently completing academy and 3 currently in academy. Ms. Ramsey reported the body scanner is working wonderfully. Commissioner Criswell asked how the body scanner was working. Ms. Ramsey restated she is very pleased with it and they are scanning everyone who enters the facility.
DWI: Ms. Reed stated spring is a very busy time for her, with the legislature in session and grant applications due, along with budgeting preparation. Ms. Reed discussed 3 pieces of legislation that would impact her program and her budget. She stated one bill will be heard in House Health and Human Services Committee tomorrow at 8:00 am.
She will continue to track these bills and report back.
Sheriff: Chief Deputy Holmes reported responding to 67 calls that resulted in a report being taken. He noted there are 4-5 times more calls that are generally resolved without a report. He stated the office is fully staffed at the deputy position. There is one transport position open with applicants coming in and interviews pending. Chief Holmes stated SB 279 is on their radar. It attempts to ban all semi-automatic gas-powered firearms, bump stocks, magazines with capacity of 10 or mor rounds, etc. There are others targeting second amendment rights including HB12 that they are also tracking. Commissioner Parker asked if the county should be concerned about increased liability to the county? Yes, there will be increased liability on the county and the deputy with some of these bills.
Road: Mr. Dominguez was not present. Ms. Kirk stated Mr. Dominguez had provided the list of projects underway. She stated a caliche crew is currently working on two miles of North Roosevelt Road AP which is a capital outlay project. Some work is being postponed due to cold temps. Operators are working their blade routes on Stateline Road moving towards Arch, one on SRR33 moving west from the intersection with NM 114, one on Moon Ranch Road, one on SRR3 near Sundale Valley Road, on in the area of Tolar, one on SRR5 just east of Portales heading north of SRRO, and one on SRR6 and SRRY. Theya re also doing spot repairs to caliche roads in the Arch area. They will be installing 2 culverts and cleaning cattle guards. Ms. Kirk stated Mr. Dominguez appreciates the communication with him from commissioners.
Manager: Ms. Kirk stated Ms. Weems is busy with grants. Those are further down the agenda. She stated TKM has finished their reporting and has started the budgeting process. Emails will go out to department heads soon. TKM will put together the personnel portion of the budget. Ms. Kirk stated Gemma Martin has accepted the Finance Administrator position and had earned her Chief Procurement Office certification. The Human Resources position has been open two weeks. We have received 40+ applicants. 17 of those are qualified. Five interviews are scheduled. Ms. Kirk asked if anyone knew of a plan for the stove/hood that was in the Bonem Home. Ms. Kirk stated there are many bills they are watching. She stated the emergency management position is on hold while federal funding is uncertain. Commissioner Parker asked when the deadline for the EOC is, Ms. Kirk stated the deadline to encumber has passed and the funds are encumbered. Commissioner Parker also asked about funding for the District Court project. Ms. Kirk responded by saying she could not find the money in the budget for that project. She had a meeting scheduled with the architect last week on that. She has a meeting with Keven Spears later this week. Ms. Kirk reported the first quarter budget report submitted to DFA has been approved. She also stated TMK helped to finalize and enter the second quarter budget report and it was submitted on time.
Commissioners: Commissioner Dixon summarized the NMC legislative priorities, stating the executive board is
meeting weekly on Thursdays, during the session to evaluate progress of bills relating to those priorities. She listed which bills they had voted to support and/or oppose. There are some bills the executive committee has chosen to remain neutral on. Ms. Dixon notes she would not be available for the March 4, 2025 meeting as she will be in Washington DC for the National Association of Counties (NACO) conference. She will be going back to Santa Fe on the 21st. She also congratulated Gemma and thanked her for taking on the role of Finance Administrator, noting the Human Resources Coordinator position should be much easier to fill. Commissioner Parker asked that in the future, the legal description be spelled out in plain language when a property is being considered for subdivision by the county. Commissioner Parker requested Ms. Kirk review the expenses and find a reasonable daily rate for the use of community centers, stating the community centers are much smaller than the Jake Lopez Building and used by a much smaller community. Mr. Lang stated there is a $500.00 deposit and a fee of $75.00 per day for the use of the Arch Community Center. Commissioner Criswell stated he had been to Santa Fe for conference and other meetings.
He is closely following the Family Medical Leave Act bill. He is learning more about the National Electrical Corridor, and the necessity of having five-mile-wide easement, which is being proposed for the corridor. He stated that corridor crosses the City of Portales well field. He stated he would like to send a letter of opposition to the Department of Energy. He noted the public comment period was extended to April 15, 2025. Commissioner Criswell would like to have clarification on how eminent domain would affect the water rights and minerals below the surface for the land in an easement.
February 18, 2025
Old Business:
Discussion and Consideration on Clean and Beautiful/Turf Project: Ms. Kirk stated the court remodel
project including plumbing repairs, would necessitate removing the turf. She suggested waiting to complete the
turf on the third section of lawn until after the other projects are complete. Ms. Weems stated the project
completion date is May 31, 2025. Commissioner Grider made a motion to change the scope of work to proceed
with the project to get as much done as we can with the available funding within the timeframe of the grant.
Commissioner Criswell offered a second. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner
Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
New Business:
Healthcare Assistance: Commissioner Dixon made a motion to go into indigent healthcare with a second
by Commissioner Criswell. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes. Ms. Weems presented the indigent healthcare claims
report, stating eight claims were submitted totaling …. She recommended approval of one claim in the amount
of $210.73 and denial of the remaining seven claims, stating one patient was brought in for treatment by
Portales Police Department and the other six patients had Medicaid at the time of service. Ms. Weems also
presented a request from Wheeler Mortuary for indigent burial. Ms. Weems requested approval of that request,
stating the decedent was a resident of Roosevelt County without any family. Commissioner Dixon made a
motion to come out of indigent healthcare with a second by Commissioner Parker. Commissioner Grider-Yes,
Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Commissioner Grider made a motion to approve the indigent healthcare claims as presented with a second by
Commissioner Criswell. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes. Commissioner Dixon made a motion to approve the
indigent burial claim as presented with a second by Commissioner Munoz. Commissioner Grider-Yes,
Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Discussion and Consideration of Red Rock Fuels for Bulk Storage: Commissioner Parker requested at the
beginning of the meeting that this item be removed from the agenda, as Mr. Knight is not available this evening
to give a presentation.
Discussion and Consideration of Support for Arch/Milnesand Volunteer Fire/EMS Program: Mr. Lang
requested the county look into ways to support the volunteer fire departments with required paperwork and
additional compliance requirements put on volunteer departments by the state. Commissioner Parker requested Ms. Kirk communicate with Curry County officials regarding how their County Fire Marshall Office is structured.
No action was taken.
Discussion and Consideration to move IPRAs from Administration to the Clerk’s Office: Ms. Kirk
requested moving responsibility for Inspection of Public Records Act requests out of the County Manager’s
Office to the Clerk’s Office. Ms. Park stated the duties of Custodian of Public Records is included in the job
description of the administrative assistant to the county manager. She raised concerns with the clerk’s office
having no oversite of that position, no opportunity to evaluate that staff member, and no authority to schedule
the time of that staff member the way the organizational chart is currently structured. Commissioner Parker
requested this item be put on the next agenda and that Ms. Park and Ms. Kirk bring their suggestions back to the commission at that time. No action was taken.
Discussion and Consideration of Changes in Organizational Chart for Detention/MAT Program: Ms.
Ramsey requested the MAT Program be moved into the Detention Organizational Chart as it is fully housed
within the detention center. Now that it is fully functional, it makes sense for it to be under the detention
administrator rather than a direct report to the county manager. Ms. Kirk agreed. Commissioner Parker made a
motion to approve the change to the Organizational Chart with a second by Commissioner Criswell.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes,
Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Consideration of Resolution 2025-06 Resolution Establishing the County’s Policy to Respect Federal
Immigration Law: Commissioner Dixon stated we could lose federal funding if we do not get off of the list of
sanctuary counties. Commissioner Grider made a motion to adopt the resolution with a second by Commissioner Parker. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Consideration of Resolution 2025-07 Resolution to Approve Overtime Salaries for work on the Re
Appraisal Cycle: Mr. Floyd requested approval of the resolution that would allow for a budget adjustment of
$19,000.00 from the 499 fund, into the general fund for the purpose of paying his staff overtime to complete the work of the re-appraisal cycle. Commissioner Grider made a motion to approve the resolution, with a second from Commissioner Criswell. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Consideration of Resolution 2025-08 Resolution Opposing the National Interest Electric Transmission
Corridors: Commissioner Dixon gave a brief description of the resolution. Commissioner Dixon made a motion to approve the resolution, with a second from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner
Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes. Commissioner
Dixon will draft a cover letter to accompany the resolution to be sent to state and federal agencies.
Consideration of Resolution 2025-09 Authorizing the County to Submit an Application to the
Department of Finance and Administration, Local Government Division, to Participate in the Local DWI Grant
and Distribution Program: Ms. Reed requested permission to apply for the next fiscal year grant funding. She
stated the grant application is due at the end of February. Commissioner Parker made a motion to approve the
February 18, 2025 resolution, with a second from Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Consideration of Ordinance 2025-01 to Repeal Ordinance 2021-01 Relating to the Promotion of the
Ethical Conduct of Public Officials within Roosevelt County and Addressing Interference by County
Commissioners or other Elected Officials: Commissioner Parker made a motion to go into public meeting with
second from Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes. Commissioner Dixon asked for public comment on this matter, there was none. Commissioner Parker made a motion to come out of public meeting with second from Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Grider-Yes Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes. Commissioner Parker made a motion to adopt the ordinance repealing the prior ethics ordinance with second from Commissioner Munoz. Commissioner Grider-No Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Contracts Agreements and Procurements:
A. Request for Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Finance and
Administration/Local Government Division/Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) Program: Ms. Reed requested
approval of the MOU for the grant application approved earlier this evening in Resolution 2025-09.
Commissioner Dixon made a motion to approve the MOU with a second by Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Request for Approval of Statement of Assurances for the Local DWI Grant and Distribution Program:
Ms. Reed stated this statement of assurances is also required as part of the grant program referenced in
Resolution 2025-09. Commissioner Dixon made a motion to approve the statement of assurances, with a second from Commissioner Parker. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Request for Approval of Interdepartmental Agreement for Use of Local DWI Funds: Commissioner Dixon
requested this item be removed, prior to the approval of the agenda. No action was taken.
Request for Approval of Professional Services Agreement for Be Well for the DWI /Complilance
Program: Commissioner Grider made a motion to approve the Professional Services Agreement, with a second
from Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Request for Approval of the Maintenance Contract with Jori’s Landscape Maintenance Services for
Courthouse and Magistrate Court: Ms. Kirk requested approval of the renewal of the maintenance contract.
Commissioner Criswell asked the contract amount. Ms. Kirk stated the contracted amount for the courthouse is
$6,000.00 annually and Magistrate Court is $2,400.00 annually. Commissioner Criswell made a motion to
approve the maintenance contract with a second from Commissioner Munoz. Commissioner Grider-Yes,
Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Request for Approval of FY25 Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Grant in the amount of
$25,245.00: Chief Deputy Holmes requested approval of the grant. Commissioner Munoz made a motion to
approve, with a second from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes,
Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes.
Media Communication: No media was present.
Executive Session: At 8:52 p.m. Commissioner Dixon made a motion to go into executive session with a
second by Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Dixon stated only those items on the agenda will be discussed in the closed session. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes. After a short recess the closed session began at 8:58 p.m. At 9:23 p.m. Commissioner Dixon made a motion to come out of executive session with a second by Commissioner Munoz. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz Yes. Commissioner Dixon stated only those items on the agenda were discussed in executive session. She also stated no action was taken in the executive session, and no action is needed. Ms. Kirk asked if the upcoming meeting date needed to be rescheduled due to the unavailability of the chair and vice chair to attend the March 4, 2025 meeting. After some discussion Commissioner Dixon made a motion to cancel the March 4, 2025 meeting with a second by Commissioner Munoz. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Parker-Yes, Commissioner Munoz-Yes. The next meeting will be March 18, 2025 at 6:00 pm.
13) Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 9:26 p.m.
Mandi M. Park
County Clerk
Tina Dixon
Commission Chair