Tuesday July 2, 2024
County Commission Room
Roosevelt County Courthouse
Portales, New Mexico 88130

The Roosevelt County Commission met in regular business meeting on Tuesday July 2, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in the
County Commission Room with those present being: Commissioner Paul Grider, Commissioner Rodney Savage,
Commissioner Tina Dixon, Commissioner Roy Lee Criswell, Commissioner Dennis Lopez, County Manager Amber
Hamilton, County Attorney Michael Garcia by zoom, Clerk Mandi Park, Treasurer Layle Sanchez, Assessor Stevin
Floyd, Sheriff Javier Sanchez, Special Programs Coordinator Carla Weems, Maintenance Superintendent Gary
Spinks, Interim Road Superintendent Juan Dominguez, GIS Technician Johnny Montiel, Chase Gossett, Katie Bailey,
Jodi Diaz, Patrick Kircher, Laurie Collings, Christopher Gay, Clint Hamilton, Hunter Andrus and Emily Wilbanks.
Call to Order – Commissioner Dixon at 9:00 a.m.
Invocation – Amber Hamilton
Pledge – Commissioner Dixon
1.Approval of Agenda: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Commissioner Savage with a second from
Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
2.Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes from the June 11, 2024 regular meeting, June 25, 2024
special meeting and May budget workshops was made by Commissioner Savage with a second from
Commissioner Criswell. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes,
Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
3.Informational Presentation – Regional Behavior Health Facility: Katie Bailey gave a presentation on the
proposed Eastern New Mexico Regional Behavioral Health Facility. Ms. Bailey stated Initium Health is creating as
system of connecting people to care and post crisis support services. She stated phase 1 is creating the crisis
triage center, which will be located in Clovis New Mexico near Plains Regional Medical Center. Ms. Bailey stated
the crisis triage center will have up to 10 observation recliners, and 12 short-term in-patient rooms. The center
would be able to serve both adolescents and adults. The proposed project is a 12,500 sq. ft. facility at a cost
between $6.8 and $8.5 million dollars. The legislature has already appropriated the first ten million dollars
through capital outlay. There are additional funds allocated from the counties and municipalities involved as well
as available opioid settlement funds allocated to the project. Ms. Bailey stated the center would operate at a
loss until the necessary patient volume is reached, but there is funding sufficient to cover the first few years. She
stated RFP’s will be released soon for construction, equipment, etc. Public meetings and law enforcement
trainings will also be held in the coming months. Ms. Bailey answered several questions and was thanked for her
presentation by each commissioner.
4.Public Requests: Chris Gay spoke about recent social media posts and comments from the prior meeting that he
felt were dismissive of public opinion. He said everyone is entitled to an opinion and those opinions should not
be dismissed. He stated there are problems that need to be fixed, and should not be dismissed as half-truths or
lies. Video of potholes are not made up lies, they bring the problems to light. Mr. Gay stated most county staff
are doing their jobs well, but not all. He encouraged the commission to take note of the problem areas and
address them without talking down to the public or dismissing their opinions.
Commissioner Savage started to speak and Chairwoman Dixon stopped him and asked to move on.
Commissioner Savage asked to appeal the decision of the chair, stating he had the right to speak. Commissioner
Dixon stated it is policy not to respond to public comment. Commissioner Savage asked for a vote regarding
support of the decision of the chair. Commissioners Criswell, Lopez and Dixon supported the decision of the
chair, Commissioners Savage and Grider did not.
5. Elected Officials and Department Heads Reports:
Detention: Ms. Hamilton gave the detention report, stating Ms. Ramsey was conducting interviews this morning.
The facility count is 49, with 13 female detainees and 36 male detainees. She stated there are 2 out-of-county
detainees. Curry County was bill for the prior month at $375.00 and Chaves County was billed $6,250.00. Ms.
Hamilton stated there are 14 participants in the MAT program with all 14 participating in both group and
individual counseling, 13 participating in yoga, and 2 participating in the GED program.
Ms. Hamilton also gave the Annual report and restrictive housing report stating there were no detainees in
restrictive housing for the year, including the fourth quarter. She stated the average length of stay was 30 days,
the average stay for a detainee with felony charges was 42 days and the average for misdemeanor charges was
13 days. She stated there was a total of 54 detainee transports, which the Sheriff’s Office conducting 17 and
detention staff conducting the other 37 transports. Ms. Hamilton reported the staff turn-over rate stands at 57%
which is down from 66% the prior year. She stated the average length of time to fill an open position at the
detention center is 2 weeks. She stated the cost of housing juveniles was $236,399.00 to-date. She stated the
facility improvements over the past year included flooring, paint, classroom updates, an additional detainee
classroom, the addition of a carport and an outdoor staff break area.
Road: Mr. Dominiguez stated they are working on SRRP from SRR10 to SRR11. He stated they were pulled off of
regular maintenance to repair roads where washouts needed to be bladed. They are back to cleaning cattle
guards, trimming trees, patching pot holes and shredding. There are currently blades SRR2, SRR15 east of NM
206, Boon Ranch Road, and near Bethel. They have had to do some back-tracking following the rain.
Commissioner Grider noted Mesa Road near NRR3 needed some attention, stating caliche trucks are accessing
the bombing range from that road. Commissioner Criswell questioned why they are using that road after all of
the upgrades to Sun Dale Valley Road. Commissioner Grider stated the Sun Dale Valley entrance is not closed, it

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is used by personnel, but most deliveries are through the other entrances to avoid the danger zones.
Commissioner Savage noted potholes at SRRP and US 70 as well as at SRRO at the first curve of NM 88.
Manager: Ms. Hamilton stated the covered stalls are completed, the cement work at the front of the pavilion
will be started and will finish up before the fair, with the remainder of the project being completed after the fair
Ms. Hamilton discussed healthcare budget projections. She stated the EOC design is proposal is in the works, she
and Mr. Montiel, Mr. Spinks and Sheriff Sanchez have met with the architect. She stated the final budget will
have to be approved at the July 30 meeting. A presentation will be given on a new solar project at the August
meeting. She stated the courthouse door architect RFP has been budgeted for FY25. She stated we are waiting
on the elevator car replacement. Mr. Hamilton stated the FY25 preliminary budget had been approved by DFA.
The commission acknowledged the final budget submission deadline of July 31.
Ms. Hamilton gave the State of the County 2024 report. She stated there are 94.5 FTE positions within the
county. She stated the county is in a strong financial position with no audit findings from 2016 to present. She
stated the county’s moody rating has improved from A3. She stated there is $8.3 million in required reserves and
an additional $4 million in the special projects reserve. She stated department heads, elected officials and staff
continue to work on the bold steps outlined in the strategic planning retreat held last year. Ms. Hamilton state
20 miles of county road ways have been enhanced and rehabilitated over the past year. The has also been
continued maintenance and progress on the county’s five-year road plan, including the completed project
partnered with the city and area stakeholders on South Roosevelt Road 6 and Industrial Drive. Work on the 5
miles of Noth Roosevelt Road AV continues as we are still awaiting completion of the State Land Office process
for right-of-ways. Ms. Hamilton stated the county had received many grants including the $1 million recreation
grant for fairgrounds improvements, MAT Program funding and regional collaboration on the Behavioral Health
Facility this fiscal year.
Commissioners: Commissioner Savage spoke about a meeting he attended where Ladonna Clayton spoke about
the Centennial Landscape Project. He stated mis-communication is part of the problem. We are not getting all of
the information that we need to make good decisions. Initially he was concerned about the impact on the tax
base. He is less concerned now. The conservation efforts may actually help in the long-run. Commissioner Dixon
thanked Mr. Gay for his public input, and requested that he call her directly when he has an issue or questions.
She stated she is willing to communicate with all county constituents, not just those from her district.
6.Old Business:
A. Consideration of Resolutions 2024-19 Roosevelt County Board of Commissioners in Support of Calling
for A United States Amendments Convention: Commissioners asked if only those items called for in the
amendment can be considered or if this opens a flood gate? Mr. Garcia stated this resolution proposes
principles, not actions or specific amendments. Commissioner Grider made a motion to approve Resolution
2024-19 with a second from Commissioner Criswell. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-No.
B. Review of Commission Revisions to Fairgrounds Master Plan: Ms. Hamilton discussed the possibility of
an additional span on the north side of the pavilion and other recent requested changes to the plan. She stated
it is a working plan and can be altered as needed. Mr. Spinks was asked if there was adequate water for the
new covered horse stalls. He stated there was a waterline down the center, with all stalls having water access.
Commissioner Lopez thanked everyone for the progress at the fairgrounds. Commissioner Lopez made a
motion to approve the revisions to the masterplan as presented with a second by Commissioner Dixon.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes,
Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
7.New Business:
A. Discussion of RCCDC Event at the Fairgrounds Oct. 11-13 and Request for Approval of Public Celebration
Permit Application by Enchantment Vineyards: Jodi Diaz requested approval for a public celebration permit for
an IBCA BBQ cook-off event to be held at the fairgrounds. Commissioner Lopez made a motion to approve the
permit with a second by Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
B. Request for Approval of a Summary Replat of Lots 1-6 of Block 17 of the East Portales Addition in the
City of Portales in Roosevelt County: Mr. Montiel requested approval of the summary replat, stating B&B
Merritt submitted the request seeking to combine lots 1-6 into one lot. Mr. Montiel stated there were no
adverse opinions from utilities or neighboring land owners. The request has been approved by the City and
meets all rules and regulations. Commissioner Lopez asked who would be responsible for the clean-up while
this process is under way? He stated the property is currently overgrown. Mr. Montiel stated it is the
responsibility of the property owner, and that could be reported to code enforcement. Commissioner Lopez
made a motion to approve the replat with a second by Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Grider-Yes,
Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes
C. Request for Approval of a Summary Replat of Lots 5-8 of Block 2 of the Oakwood Manor Estates in the
City of Portales in Roosevelt County: Mr. Montiel requested approval of the summary replat, stating Max
Merrick submitted the request to combine four lots to three. Mr. Montiel stated there were no adverse
opinions from utilities or neighboring land owners. The request has been approved by the City and meets all
rules and regulations. Commissioner Grider made a motion to approve the replat with a second by
Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes,
Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes
D. Request for Approval of a Summary Replat of Lots 11-13 of Block 3 of the Valley View Estates in
Roosevelt County: Mr. Montiel requested approval of the summary replat, stating Steve Orrell made the

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request to combine three lots to one. Mr. Montiel stated the lots are located in an unincorporated area of the
County within the three-mile planning jurisdiction of the county. He also stated there were no adverse opinions
from utilities or neighboring land owners. The request has been approved by the City and meets all rules and
regulations. Commissioner Grider made a motion to approve the replat with a second by Commissioner Lopez.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes,
Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
8.Resolutions – Ordinances – Proclamations:
A. Consideration of Resolution 2024-22 Adopting the 2026-2030 Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan:
Ms. Weems reviewed the top 5 priorities on the ICIP, stating those are #1 Road Improvement projects included
on the five-year road plan, # 2 the Fairgrounds Master Improvement Plan, #3 Courthouse repairs, # 4 radio
communication upgrades, and #5 the Regional Behavioral Health Facility. Commissioner Grider made a motion

to adopt the resolution with a second by Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-
Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

B. Consideration of Resolution 2024-23 Participation in the Local Government Road Fund Administered by
New Mexico Department of Transportation – SB: Mr. Dominguez stated the projects included on the LGRF are
part of the five-year road plan. With a rise in cost of materials and freight, we may not be able to complete all
of the proposed miles. Commissioner Grider made a motion to approve the resolution with a second by
Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
C. Consideration of Resolution 2024-24 Participation in the Local Government Road Fund Administered by
New Mexico Department of Transportation – COOP: Mr. Dominguez stated the projects included on the LGRF
are part of the five-year road plan. COOP is similar to SB and CAPS, and to prior years. Commissioner Lopez
made a motion to approve the resolution with a second by Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Grider-Yes,
Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
D. Consideration of Resolution 2024-25 Participation in the Local Government Road Fund Administered by
New Mexico Department of Transportation – CAPS: Mr. Dominguez stated the projects included on the LGRF
are part of the five-year road plan. This year’s CAPS projects are very similar to prior years. Commissioner Lopez
made a motion to approve the resolution with a second by Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Grider-Yes,
Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
E. Consideration of Resolution 2024-26 Opposing the Final Land Protection Plan and Environmental
Assessment for the Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge: Commissioner Criswell stated he opposes the
expansion of the Gruella Wildlife Refuge. He attended a meeting where Jude Smith spoke and reviewed the
proposal with attendees. He stated the nature conservancy intends to purchase private land and as they are a
501-c-3 organization, those properties would be removed from tax rolls. He stated the expansion could extend
all the way to Chaves County. The intent is to increase the refuge to 700K acres. Commissioner Grider made a
motion to approve the resolution opposing the plan, with a second by Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner
Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner
Public Hearing – Ordinance 2024-02 – Roosevelt County Rural Addressing Ordinance: Commissioner Criswell

made a motion to go into public hearing at 10:34, with a second by Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Grider-
Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

Mr. Montiel stated the county needs to update the addressing process and documentation to streamline the
process. There was no additional public input. At 10:37 Commissioner Lopez made a motion to come out of
public hearing with a second from Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
F. Consideration to Adopt 2024-02 Roosevelt County Rural Addressing Ordinance: Mr. Montiel requested
adoption of the proposed ordinance. Commissioner Savage made a motion to adopt the ordinance with a

second from Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-
Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

9.Contracts – Agreements – Procurements:
A. Request for Approval of IT Professional Services Agreement with Yucca Telecom: Ms. Hamilton stated
with Chase Gossett’s departure, on-site IT services will not be included in the agreement. The Agreement will
change to a month-to month contract. Ms. Hamilton stated it may be necessary to hire a part-time or full-time
IT position. Mr. Gossett explained Yucca will continue to provide network, firewall and server support, etc. He
stated technology needs have grown exponentially in recent years. She urged the commission to find a way to
work an IT position into the final budget. Ms. Hamilton expressed her gratitude to Mr. Gossett for exceptional

service over the last 10+ years. Commissioner Grider made a motion to approve the agreement for month-to-
month services with Yucca Telecom with a second by Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Grider-Yes,

Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
B. Request for Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Arise Sexual Assault Services: Ms.
Hamilton requested approval of the agreement stating the agreement was a continuation of services with
Arise, however Arise is no-longer under the umbrella of the Roosevelt General Hospital. The contract is a
requirement of the Prison Rape Elimination Act. Commissioner Lopez made a motion to approve with a second
from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes.
C. Request for Approval of Renewed Agreement with the Roosevelt County Fair Board for the Use of the
Fairgrounds for the County Fair: Ms. Hamilton requested the renewal of the agreement. Commissioner Criswell

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made a motion to approve with a second from Commissioner Lopez. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner
Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes.
D. Request for Approval of Agreement with NM Department of Finance and Administration for Geneal
Fund 93100 Capital Project Appropriation Project for $500,000.00 for the Purchase of a Chip Spreader for the
Road Department: Ms. Weems requested approval of the long-awaited agreement. Commissioner Dixon made

a motion to approve with a second from Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-
Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes.

E. Request for Approval of Indigent Burial Agreement Template for Health Care Assistance Program: Ms.
Weems requested approval of a template to be used for Indigent burial that aligns with state statute. And
county policy. Commissioner Grider made a motion to approve with a second from Commissioner Savage.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes,
Commissioner Criswell-Yes.
F. Request for Approval of Maintenance Agreement with UCI Document Solutions for Rural Addressing
Copier: Ms. Hamilton stated the maintenance agreement is for the copier in the GIS office. Commissioner Lopez
made a motion to approve with a second from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner
Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes.
G. Request for Approval of Local Government Road Fund School Bus Route Agreement Control No.
L200634 for $168,00.00: Mr. Dominguez stated the county would be responsible for 25% match totaling
$42,000.00, which has been budgeted. Commissioner Grider made a motion to approve with a second from
Commissioner Criswell. Commissioner Grider -Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
H. Request for Approval of Local Government Road Fund County Cooperative Agreement Control No.
L200629 for $133,333.00: Mr. Dominguez stated the County portion for COOP would be $33,333.00, which has
been budgeted. Commissioner Dixon made a motion to approve with a second from Commissioner Grider.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes,
Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
I. Request for Approval of Local Government Road Fund County Arterial Program Agreement Control No.
L200644 for $346,859.00: Mr. Dominguez stated the County portion for CAP would be $86,715.00, which has
been budgeted. Commissioner Lopez made a motion to approve with a second from Commissioner Criswell.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes,
Commissioner Lopez-Yes.
10.Executive Session: Commissioner Dixon made a motion to go into executive session at 10:50 a.m. with a second

by Commissioner Savage, stating only those items listed on the agenda will be discussed. Commissioner Grider-
Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

After a short break the executive session was called to order at 10:57 a.m. At 11:15 a.m. Ms. Hamilton and Ms.
Bagwell left the executive session. At 11:51 a.m. Commissioner Criswell made a motion to come out of executive
session with a second by Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes. Commissioner Dixon stated as a
result of the executive session no action is needed and no action was taken.
11.Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 11:54 a.m.

__________________________ _____________________________
Mandi M. Park Tina Dixon
County Clerk Commission Chair