Tuesday May 7, 2024
County Commission Room
Roosevelt County Courthouse
Portales, New Mexico 88130

The Roosevelt County Commission met in regular business meeting on Tuesday May 7, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. in the
County Commission Room with those present being: Commissioner Paul Grider, Commissioner Rodney Savage,
Commissioner Tina Dixon, Commissioner Roy Lee Criswell, Commissioner Dennis Lopez , County Manager Amber Hamilton, County Attorney Michael Garcia via zoom, Clerk Mandi Park, Assistant County Manager Liliana Rivera, Treasurer Layle Sanchez, Assessor Stevin Floyd, Special Projects Coordinator Carla Weems, Detention Administrator Shayla Ramsey, Interim Road Superintendent Juan Dominguez, DWI Program Coordinator Darla Reed, Compliance Officer Johanna Jiminez, Sheriff Javier Sanchez, Chief Deputy Bryan Holmes, 4H Agent Ryan Craig, and community members, Angie Smith, Donald Clark, Jarryd Burris, Deveri Mathews, Elsie Mathews, Paula Grady, Meradith Eaton, Hyacinth Eaton, Charlsea Lee.

Call to Order – Commissioner Dixon at 9:00 a.m.
Invocation – Amber Hamilton
Pledge – Commissioner Dixon
1.Approval of Agenda: A motion to approve the agenda was made by Commissioner Savage with a second from
Commissioner Criswell. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

2.Approval of Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes from the April 23, 2024 regular meeting was made by
Commissioner Savage with a second from Commissioner Criswell. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner
Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

3.Public Requests: Deveri Mathews, state extension president, spoke in support of adding an FCS Agent to the
Roosevelt County Extension Office. She stated there are 262 member of extension clubs statewide with 65 of
those being from Roosevelt County. There are two new Roosevelt County clubs catering to the needs of younger
families. Charlsea Lee, extension office administrative assistant, parent, and volunteer, also spoke in favor of
adding an FCS Agent. She advocated for more research and knowledge-based programming for county
members. Meradith Eaton a parent, volunteer and state officer also spoke in favor of adding an FCS Agent in the Roosevelt County Extension Office. Paula Grady, parent and volunteer, spoke in favor of adding an FCS agent, stating 4H and FCS programs are important to the education of children. Donald Clark stated 4H has had a positive impact on his life. He remembered his mother being very involved for many years. He stated the FCS
agent helped to keep arts and crafts and food preservation a big part of the County Fair. Elsie Mathews, 11-yearold 4H member spoke in favor of adding an FCS Agent. She stated she had the opportunity to travel to FCS School in other Counties and make a quilt. She would like her friends to have the same opportunities here in Roosevelt County as many of her friends and classmates do not have the ability to travel to other counties and
clubs for the same opportunities, classes and projects. She showed her quilt and stated an FCS Agent in the
Roosevelt County Office would allow her friends the same opportunities.

4. Elected Officials and Department Heads Reports:
Detention: Administrator Ramsey reported the facility count as 52 detainees, with 47 males and 5 females.
There are currently 9 out-of-county detainees incarcerated at RCDC, with 5 of those having charges in both
Roosevelt County and the county they came from. Ms. Ramsey stated Quay County has been billed a total of
$18,375.00 for the Month of April. She stated there are currently 13 detainees in the MAT program with all 13
receiving both group and individual counseling. Three are receiving medication as part of treatment. There are 3 detainees participating in the GED Program, 10 participating in yoga, and 5 participating in parenting classes. Ms. Ramsey remined everyone that it is National Correction Week and they are celebrating their staff with meals, snacks, drinks and prizes all week. She stated APIC provided a meal yesterday. Healthcare is providing a meal to detention officers today. The kitchen staff are providing a meal on Thursday and the Supervisors will be
providing a meal on Friday. Visitors are welcome all week.

Finance: Ms. Rivera presented the 3rd Quarter reports as they were submitted to DFA on 4-29, 2024. The reports cover the period ending March 31, 2024. She stated all funds are doing well, very near 75% benchmark. Ms. March 25, 2024 Rivera thanked the department heads and elected officials for working with her to keep the financial reports accurate and timely.

Healthcare: Ms. Weems requested to go into indigent board meeting. At 9:18 a.m. Commissioner Lopez made a
motion to go into indigent board, with a second by Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Grider-Yes,
Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes. Ms.Weems presented the indigent healthcare report. She stated there were 4 claims submitted, totaling $1,473.60. She recommended denial of 2 of those claims, and approval of 2 claims stating one patient was an out-of-county detainee, and the other had Medicaid at the time of service. At 9:20 a.m. Commissioner Dixon made a motion to come out of indigent board, with a second by Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes. Commissioner Savage made a motion to approve indigent claims as recommended by Ms. Weems, totaling $1,083.60 with a second by Commissioner Criswell. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner DixonYes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

Road: Mr. Dominguez stated they have finished SRR15 from SRRP to SRRQ. They have been busy moving blow
sand on SRRG and patching potholes. He stated the road department took in over 1000 tires during the amnesty day, averaging 50-60 tires per ton. He stated there is one blade on SRRX and SRR2 and one on SRRAK and SRR3 and another on SRR34 and SRRZ, one on SRR30 and SRRD and one on SRR20 and SRRF.
Manager: Ms. Hamilton stated the county has an RFP out for the Pavilion project, which will close May 14, 2024. She stated the covered stalls are in process, materials have been ordered. The project will move quickly and should be at substantial completion by June 30. Ms. Hamilton stated she and others are working with the
architect on the Emergency Operations Center. She stated the federal Congressional District Spending award for plumbing and electrical for the detention center was $275,000.00. Ms. Hamilton asked that the next meeting be moved and the commission agreed to May 28, 2024 after discussion. This is the second meeting of the month and will be an evening meeting. She asked that a budget workshop be added to May 21, 2024 at 9:00 am, or possibly May 30th. Commissioners agreed May 21st would work better. Ms. Hamilton noted the food pantry grand opening is scheduled for Thursday May 16, 2024 at 2:30 at 600 N. Ave. K. She stated the DOT meeting is that same day at the Campus Union Building, she stated the public comment portion is scheduled for the morning, giving county staff plenty of time to attend both events. Ms. Hamilton stated the local governing
bodies will be updated on the progress of the Regional Behavioral Health facility in June and a town hall possibly in July. This will be a community meeting including all stakeholders. She stated the City of Clovis is in the process of land acquisition. Ms. Hamilton stated Roosevelt County will be hosting the NMC Pool Board August meeting in the newly renovated meeting space inside the Jake Lopez Building. She invited commissioners to see the training room. She stated there is a chamber lunch scheduled for Friday May 17, and noted Victoria Ramos and Commissioner Lopez are the representatives on that board. Ms. Hamilton stated she and Mr. Dominguez will attend SERTPO in Ruidoso on May 23, 2024 as the county has 2 applications in with DOT for approximately $2 million each. She asked any available commissioners to attend as well as a show of support. Ms. Hamilton was excited to announce she had won a scholarship to the ICMA conference to be held in Palm Desert, CA June 5-7, 2024.

Commissioners: Commissioner Lopez commended Elsie Mathews for her remarks during public comment.
Commissioner Savage also commended Ms. Mathews for representing the 5P’s of FFA, thanking her for coming
prepared. He stated he had been involved in 4H since 1955. He talked about the MaCone Scholarship in honor of Joyce Cone in support of agricultural youth activities. He stating the original intent was to provide 5 scholarships of $1000 each. There were 9 applicants and they dug a little deeper to award 6 scholarships and 1 grant for a Dona Ana County student to be able to show goats. He praised the quality of the applicants and stated there will be a fundraiser on September 21, 2024 to support future scholarships. Commissioner Savage stated the commissioner affiliate meeting in Ruidoso was different from past meetings, he thanked Commissioners Dixon and Criswell for their leadership within the affiliate. Commissioner Criswell commended Ms. Mathews for her presentation as well. He stated his support for the FCS Agent position. He had been to Silver City on Thursday for an NMC budget meeting. He talked about how important it is to be informed about the initiatives of the Fils and Wildlife Department and expansion of public lands, animals listed as endangered and how those things could shrink our tax base.

5.New Business:
March 25, 2024
A. Request for Approval to Pay the NM County Insurance Authority Capital Adequacy Assessment of
$245,307.00 in FY24: Ms. Hamilton recommended paying the assessment using cash reserves as discussed in
the April 23, 2024 meeting. She stated the funds are available and requested approval. Commissioner Grider
made a motion to approve the payment with a second from Commissioner Criswell. Commissioner Grider-Yes,
Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

6.Resolutions – Ordinances – Proclamations:
A. Consideration of Resolution 2024-16 Changing the Posted Speed Limit on South Roosevelt Road 8 from
NM 88 Approximately Five Miles East to South Roosevelt Road G: Mr. Dominiguez presented the resolution.
He stated there is a different process to return the current speed limit after repairs are made. After much
discussion about the condition of the road, some commissioners did not want to see the speed be reduced
while waiting for funding to make the necessary repairs. Commissioner Savage made a motion to approve the
resolution with a second from Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-No,
Commissioner Dixon-No, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-No.

B. Consideration of Resolution 2024-17 Adopting an Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan for the
Roosevelt County Senior Center Operated by La Casa de Buena Salud: Ms. Weems requested adoption of the
ICIP for La Casa Senior Center, stating the ICIP will list identified needs and make it possible to seek public
funding. Commission Lopez made a motion to adopt the resolution, with a second by Commissioner Savage.
Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes,
Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

C. Consideration of Resolution 2024-18 Budget Adjustment for 4th Quarter FY24 Financial Reports Part 1:
Ms. Rivera requested approval for the budget adjustment stating it takes into account adjustments in grant
funding received and increases in payroll expenses as approved in March. Commissioner Lopez made a motion
to approve the resolution with a second by Commissioner Grider. Commissioner Grider-Yes, Commissioner
Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

7.Contracts – Agreements – Procurements:
A. Request for Approval of Agreement with CivicPlus for NextRequest Public Records Management
Platforms for $5,991.00: Ms. Hamilton stated the software would allow for better tracking and timing of IPRA
requests, and would prevent missed deadlines and other issues. It would simplify the process. Commissioner
Grider made a motion to approve the agreement with a second by Commissioner Dixon. Commissioner GriderYes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes, Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Lopez-Yes.

B. Request for Approval of Professional Services Agreement for Temporary Coverage of the
DWI/Misdemeanor Compliance Program: Ms. Rivera requested approval of a professional services agreement,
stating it will be vital to cover an upcoming leave. The agreement would allow for the selection of current
intern and the leave would be covered much like a paid internship. Commissioner Lopez made a motion to
approve with a second from Commissioner Savage. Commissioner Lopez-Yes, Commissioner Dixon-Yes,
Commissioner Savage-Yes, Commissioner Criswell-Yes.

8.Media Communication: There was no media communication.

9.Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 10:24 a.m.
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Mandi M. Park