To My Community,

I would like to begin by thanking you for the opportunity to serve through my role at the Chamber of Commerce. This is the town I grew up in, played sports, sang in the choir, marched in the band, went to youth group, and showed animals at the county fair. It is where my mother and sister are buried. It is now where I have started a life with my own little family. It is where we have our own family run business. It is not only my hometown, but it is my home. I have enjoyed connecting with our community in a position where there could be more of an impact. Through community events, both large and small, it has been great to work hand in hand with businesses and community members alike to make these opportunities happen.

Unfortunately, due to employment logistics and financial concerns, I have found no other option than to resign. My last day will be Sept 2nd. This decision has not come easily, especially since this has been a good fit, and the community has been excited for what we have been doing. We have seen a fresh outlook of many ideas and I was looking forward to seeing more of them come to fruition. I think the momentum will continue, after all, it takes a community. I hope to serve again in some official capacity in the future when all is in alignment. Until then, I will continue to do my part as a citizen of this community. Thank you again for the opportunity to serve as executive director for the Roosevelt County Chamber of Commerce.