The Roosevelt County Cooperative Extension Service is excited to announce that Roosevelt County 4-H Agent, Ryan Craig, was chosen as New Mexico State University’s 2018 Outstanding 4-H Agent. This annual award recognizes the top 4-H Agent in the state for their accomplishments in their County’s 4-H program.

Craig was selected for this award based on multiple recommendations from supervisors, peers, and also letters of support written by 4-H parents and youth members. Upon hearing of Craig’s nomination, Bailey Grady, a Senior 4-H member, was quick to write in her letter of support. Grady, who has been a member of the 4-H program for several years, has served in many leadership roles within the program due to the support, and encouragement she received from Craig. In her letter she stated, “As a military kid, I’m used to having my father gone more often than not. During these months where my dad can’t be there, I know Ryan always will be. He’s encouraged me when I feel low, or pulled me back to Earth when I just wanted to fly away. He’s a positive male figure that our county can always count on, whether it be children or adults.” Similar sentiment was echoed within the other letters presented to the state’s award committee.

In one recommendation letter, 4-H parent and club leader Paula Grady wrote, “My family considers 4-H a key to our children’s education. School does its job with formal education, but 4-H teaches the intangibles. These intangibles can’t be measured with test scores, they are measured by adults that are civic minded, know how to run a meeting, and know the value of hard work. A 4-H’er is kind, outgoing, well spoken, and willing to lend a hand when many won’t. Ryan Craig embodies all of these qualities.”

In the time that he has been employed as the Roosevelt County 4-H Agent, the county’s 4-H program has experienced growth in not only youth members but also adult volunteers, as well as in programs and events. Craig has taken the 4-H program and helped to change the program’s image. No longer is 4-H thought of as just a program that works with livestock and the fair (although this is still one aspect of the program), but a program that teaches valuable life skills to youth. This has allowed youth within the county that erroneously believed that they could not participate in 4-H, to be able to join, and reap the benefits. In her letter, Grady also stated, “My children don’t show animals, but they are involved in leadership, STEM, judging, and shooting sports programs. With all that 4-H offers, none of it would be possible without the dedication of Ryan Craig.”

The Roosevelt County 4-H program is dedicated to providing services for youth within our local area. If anyone would like more information on how to become involved with the 4-H program, call the Roosevelt County Extension Office at (575) 356-4417.