Pregnancy Loss Memorial event on Saturday, October 28th at 11:00 am at
Memorial Park in Portales.

This event will remember the children lost to their parents because of a miscarriage. So
many times parents are not given an opportunity to openly grieve the loss of a child due
to a miscarriage. They may grieve with close family and friends, or alone. However,
that little person – no matter how long he or she was here – was a little person who was
on their way to make mom and dad’s life even fuller and more wonderful. Plans were
being made, names were being discussed, pictures were being taken, and joyful
announcements were being made. Life was getting turned upside down but in a joyfully
exciting way until . . .

Oftentimes people don’t know what to say to a parent who has suffered such loss, and
sometimes some people don’t understand why the parent is so sad because “it’s not like
they were actually born”. But to that parent, that was not just a fetus growing in the
womb. She was their daughter or he was their son – a real person with a name.
At the Forever Loved, Forever Mine Memorial, we will take a moment in time to
remember that someone is missing from all of us now. There is someone who is still
thought about and loved by their parents. There is someone whose presence was
meant to benefit everyone around them. To commemorate that, we will announce the
names of these children if the parents choose to. There will also be some music and a
small parting gift from Right to Life.

If you know someone who might benefit from this experience, please share this with
them. If you have not ever experienced this kind of loss, please consider coming to
show your love and support for those who are often overlooked in their grief because it
is usually a loss suffered in quiet.

Whether a child is on earth or in Heaven, every child is still a blessing of the Lord.